I've compiled several events' worth of Yamato's English dialogue from Recordbreaker (including conversations in which he doesn't participate but that pertain to him) and will be uploading them here one by one. I've collected almost all of his dialogue from the Septentrione arc, but the Triangulum Arc is still pending.

Dialogue choices are presented as drop downs you can click to see the responses to each one. Any drop downs that are empty don't have unique responses.



Diet Building

You arrive at Nagata-cho, led by Makoto…

Makoto: We're here.

Io: This is…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: Yeah… that means Makoto must be in the government?

Daichi: Huh…? Oh, I guess that means Makoto's in the government?

Makoto: Very perceptive. I belong to an organization which answers to the government. It's not much further now, keep up!

Makoto leads you into the underground levels of the Diet Building…

Makoto produces an ID card to authorize herself at the terminal…

A huge facility spreads before your eyes…

Daichi: This is what's under the Diet Building? You've gotta be kidding me!

Daichi is looking wildly around…

Daichi: Hey, did you see that logo a moment ago? How do you pronounce that? J, P, apostrophe…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: "Jips." Now be quiet. I'd like to avoid any trouble.

Makoto: Correct, "Jips." Now be quiet. I'd like to avoid any trouble.

Before Makoto finishes speaking, a man appears up ahead…

???: You're late, Sako… Who are they?

Makoto: Chief, these children signed up for Nicaea.

You detect a slight tension in Makoto's voice…

Chief: Why are they here?

Makoto: I thought they might have intel on the summoning app, Sir. They have firsthand combat experience against the demons, so I thought we could use them…

The "Chief" holds out a hand, stopping Makoto…

Chief: That's rather presumptuous, Sako. They're just civilians. Debrief them and have done with it.

Makoto: Understood, my apologies.

The "Chief" looks at you coldly…

Chief: I'm grateful for your cooperation, but this facility is off-limits. I must insist that you leave as soon as possible. Dismissed.

The "Chief" nods to you and leaves…

Daichi: What a jerk…!

Makoto: Don't talk like that…! That man is Yamato Hotsuin, Chief of JP's.

Io: Chief…? He's your superior, Makoto?

Makoto: That's correct.

Daichi: H- Him? He's probably even younger than us! He's that high up?

It seems Daichi has recalled something…

Daichi: By the by, M-Makoto, did you say you're gonna get intel from us? Are we gonna be interrogated!?

Makoto gives a slight smile and turns towards Daichi…

Makoto: No, of course not. That was just a pretext. I'd never get away with bringing a civilian here just to treat a sprain.

Daichi: Oh… Hahaha! Good one. Had me going there.

Daichi seems relieved…


Makoto takes Io to a room to treat her sprained ankle, they talk about Nicaea and the summoning app, Makoto leaves, and Daichi decides he has to pee immediately.


You lead Daichi to the facility hallway…

Daichi: Urgh… Hurry! Can't… hold it.

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Unngh… So cruel…

Daichi: I would, but… that doesn't seem right.

Daichi: Argh! Not so loud! I'm at my limit here!

You hear people talking further down the hallway…

Makoto: …They're just civilians, Sir!

Yamato: How can you be positive they won't misuse the summoning application?

Makoto: They cooperated with me, they helped reseal Coordinate K. I don't think they'll abuse it.

Yamato: When a man grows accustomed to power, he is more likely to abuse it. Isn't that right, Sako?

Makoto: S-Sorry, Sir.

Yamato: We're finished here. Take them to a cell.

They seem to be talking about you…

Daichi: D-Did he just say what I think he said?

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: This is bad! Real, real bad! They're gonna lock us up!

Daichi: This is a disaster! They're gonna catch us and throw us in jail! I'll never see the sun again!

Daichi: You moron! They're gonna toss us in prison!

Daichi: Let's get outta here, man! We need to get to Io before they do!

You return with Daichi to where you left Io…

SL Plaza

Io: We beat it…? Yes! I think we won!

Yamato: Ha… We were chasing down Dubhe, but I did not expect to find this. So you defeated Dubhe… Impressive.

Joe: Whoa, what's going on?

Yamato: You've changed personnel. Did the other young man die?

Io: Daichi! Is Daichi… dead?

???: H-Hey! Don't write me off just yet!

Io: Daichi!? Where are you?

Daichi: Over here!

Joe: Hahaha! Hey, Daich! What'cha doing up there?

Daichi: I jumped out before the truck went over, you idiot! I did it to save your lives!

Io: He's safe…!

Daichi: That's true, and great, but… I can't get down. Don't just stand there gawing! Help me, Hibiki!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Sako, go assist that boy.

Daichi: Whoa, not you guys! You're gonna lock me up! I'm actually fine up here, thanks!

Yamato: Hahaha! Don't worry. Any doubts we may have had about you are now cleared. You all defeated Dubhe… even if it was by coincidence. Your actions are commendable.

Makoto: Come with us. Tomorrow morning I can assign some JP's agents to take you to your homes. It's late. We'll provide you with food and shelter, so you can get some real rest.

Io: Thank you very much, Makoto.

Joe: That's lucky! Good things do happen to good people, after all.

Daichi: Uh, hey! uh… Can somebody get me down? Please…?



The atmosphere seems to have improved…

Joe: Ha! By the way, I think I was told to come get you guys. Yeah, totally spaced on that. Sorry.

Daichi: What!?

Io: Why would they need us?

Hibiki Kuze:

Joe: Oh, crap… What was his name? You know, that smirking kid. The Chief! That's it, Chief JP's.

Joe: Hahaha! It was the JP's, uh, Chief? Yeah, that sounds right. He wanted to see you guys.

Daichi: That stupid… mean person… Anyways, should we go, Hibiki?

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: I guess we don't have anywhere else to go.

Io: Um… it's not like we have a lot of options.

Joe: Don't fret. It's not like Chiefy's gonna eat you for breakfast. He probably already ate. Just go see the guy. Think of it as paying him back for his hospitality.

Daichi: Eh… You're right. I wish I knew what he wanted us for, though. I guess there's only one way to find out.

Hibiki Kuze:

You decide to head to the Diet Building with everyone…

Your phone rings…

Io: Huh? How are you getting a call?

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: They usually send an email though, don't they?

Yamato: Kuze? This is Yamato.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I registered your phones with the JP's network. The others' phones should connect soon as well.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: No need. We're a state organization; this is child's play.

Yamato: We are a state organization, after all. It's one of the trump cards we had prepared.

Yamato: I asked Akie to pass along a message. Has he done so?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Excellent. I'll be at the Diet Building.

Io: Who was that…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: The JP's Chief? Oh… Was it about him asking to see us?

Io: S-Sorry. I wasn't trying to pry or anything.

Io: Oh… okay. Sorry, that was a weird question.

Daichi: Hey! I'm getting service again!

Joe: You're right! I've got full bars!

Io: Thank goodness…! But how?

It seems everyone's phones are connected again…

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: Oh, the Chief connected it for us?

Io: Wow… the Chief's really powerful, huh?

Daichi: I guess he's not such a bad guy after all. Let's see here…

Diet Building

You arrive at the Tokyo branch of JP's with Daichi, Io, and Joe…

Joe: Whew! Made it! It's not even noon and I'm already tuckered out. Can we stop to get a bite to eat?

Daichi: Complain more, Joe, please.

Yamato: You're late. Report to the Command Center.

Yamato leaves…

Joe: So that's a "no" on food?

Everyone summoned by Yamato has gathered here…

Yamato: Let's begin.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato smiles thinly…

Yamato: Impatient, aren't we? Don't be so hasty. All in its proper time.

Yamato: Are you listening, Kuze? I'm about to begin.

Yamato: This morning we kept our word and escorted you to your houses. Now you are fully aware that your daily lives have been destroyed. You have nowhere to return to.

Daichi: ……

Io: ……

Daichi and Io avert their eyes…

Yamato: Thus, I have a proposal for you. A short time ago we were contacted by the main JP's branch in Osaka. I'm heading there soon.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I do not know. It will be quicker to see for ourselves.

Yamato: And I'd like you to accompany me.

Io: Why would you need us…?

Joe: Whoa, hold your horses there, Chiefy. This Osaka thing… you want us to go with you?

Yamato looks over the group…

Yamato: Yes, all of you.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato smiles slightly…

Yamato: A wise choice. I'll provide the rendezvous details.

Daichi: H-Hold on! Why're you so on board with all this, Hibiki? The first question is: Why do we have to go to Osaka?

Daichi: Y-Yeah… What's so important in Osaka?

Yamato: Let me ask you this… Will you be saved by waiting here? Will that get you your lives back?

Daichi: I-I mean… I guess it's possible…?

Yamato: You saw the condition Tokyo was in. What was your initial response? I assume it was something like, "There's nothing we can do, let's wait for the government to handle it."

Daichi: Ngh… Well, that wasn't exactly it. I mean, we were helpless!

Yamato: "Helpless"…? That excuse would have sufficed in any other situation. Yet this is no ordinary disaster. No one will resolve it while you wait. Cast aside such hopes immediately. Nothing about your life is guaranteed any longer.

Io: But…!

Yamato: If you want to survive this, it is time to think and act for yourselves. If the cause of this disaster is not addressed, there will be no tomorrow. By traveling to Osaka, we can actively gather intelligence rather than sit idly by. There may even be clues there that can lead us closer to the truth behind this calamity.

Joe: Alright… so that's why you want to go to Osaka, but why do you want us to go?

Yamato: You four defeated Dubhe. I like to reward talented personnel with new opportunities. That is all. If you're willing to act, I'll be at Shinbashi at approximately 1000. I look forward to seeing what you decide. Dismissed.

Yamato leaves…

Joe: ……

Io: ……

Daichi: Hrm… What do we say to something like that?

Joe: I guess… we gotta go? Not like I mind. I mean, what else have I got to do?

Io: I'd like to go, actually. If I really can help, it's better to take action, I think… I wonder what there is to discover in Osaka, though. Clues about the cause of the disaster…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: I suppose so… I guess it's our only choice.

Io: Oh…! You're right. If we find the cause, maybe that'll lead to a solution.

Daichi: Alright, no more! Going in circles won't get us anywhere! Let's go, and… y'know, investigate stuff. Then we'll get some answers. We'll know what Yamato's thinking or at least what's going on! Once we know that… then we can talk about what we wanna do.

Io: You're right… Let's go to Osaka, okay?

Joe: Wait, what did we decide? We're all going? Alright, yeah!

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: You know what… I totally get that.

Daichi: Wow, you're already pumped. Makes my pep talk seem kinda like a waste.

Io: Haha! Alright, Shinbashi around 10:00. Don't forget…!

You chat a little longer then go your separate ways…

Tokyo Branch

Yamato is on the phone…

Yamato: …I see. I'll need a thorough damage assessment. Yes… Quickly. No… We'll get rid of them. Some instability is to be expected, and we have a protocol to follow. I leave it to you. …Good.

Yamato hangs up the phone and smirks in your direction…

Yamato: Kuze, were you listening just now?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: You're honest. Most people would never admit it. I'm actually impressed. It's important to gather as much information as possible. I don't think you heard anything to your benefit. …Wait. Hahaha! Are you concerned about what I am "getting rid of"?

Yamato: So deceptive… I had no intention of hiding this from you. If it was top secret I wouldn't discuss it here. No need to worry, I wasn't discussing anything that pertained to you… Wait. *chuckle* Are you concerned about what I am "getting rid of"?

Yamato: "Getting rid of"? Ah, I understand.

Yamato smiles slightly…

Yamato: Good ear. I suppose I should have expected. You really are quite sharp, aren't you?

Yamato: Worry not. It has nothing to do with you or your companions. Why would I harm those who defeated Dubhe? I was determining how to stop the misuse of the demon summoning application. Normal civilians who suddenly obtain control of demons are a grave threat. Their weakness leads to destructive impulses. Unchecked, it will lead Japan into utter chaos. That's why I intended to apprehend you at first.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: *chuckle* You don't seem overly fazed. I'm still waiting to see if that nonchalance is courageous or foolhardy.

Yamato: I'm glad to see you linking the puzzle pieces. You're different from the other civilians.

Yamato: You may interpret that as you wish.

Yamato: Well, then… Dismissed.

Yamato returns to his work…

SL Plaza

You arrive at Shinbashi with Daichi, Io, and Joe…

Daichi: Here we are, Shinbashi! On-time…ish.

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Yeah! Let's go investigate the cause of the disaster and…stuff! Except…how are we getting there? Is any transportation still working?

Daichi: Hm, good point. Is any transportation still up and running?

Joe: Iunno… Guess we'll find out when we meet up with the Chief.

Daichi: Maybe, but it makes me nervous when you say it.

Hibiki Kuze:

Joe: That's just cruel. Oh! We should get sushi for dinner! Yep, sushi.

Joe: This guy gets me!

Io: Ah… S-Someone's over there. Hey, Hibiki, look!

Yamato and Makoto are confronted by a small group of demons.

Makoto: Chief Hotsuin, please, I'll take care of this!

Yamato: No, Agent Sako. Allow me.

Yamato summons Cerberus and annihilates all the low-tier demons effortlessly.

Yamato: Hmph… That was it?

Io: A-Are you alright?

Yamato: Ah, good of you all to come. So you've decided to act of your own volition.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato looks puzzled for a moment…

Yamato: I'm sorry…? Oh, you mean that demon just now? Your words of praise are meaningless, as you could have defeated it just the same.

Yamato smiles…

Yamato: Heh… It has been a long while since I've had to wait for someone. You are interesting.

Daichi: So, uh… We're here. How we getting to Osaka?

Makoto: Thank you all for deciding to join us. Don't worry, we won't have to walk. Wait just a moment.

Joe: That train can move?

Daichi: Holy crap, that freaked me out. Who knew that thing could still move? What's that thing there…?

Makoto: Just wait. You'll see.

Io: That… It's the same thing from Sensouji!

Makoto activates the newly revealed seal, and a stripper pole emerges from the ground.

Joe: *chuckle* Did a pole just come out of it?

Makoto: Head down from here. Be careful.

Daichi: Down where…?

Makoto and Yamato both slide down the stripper pole.

Daichi: Hey…! Hey! They just left. What should we do, Hibiki?

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Guess we don't have much of a choice. Here we go…

Io: I think Makoto and Chief Hotsuin are waiting for us… We should probably go.

Special Platform

You follow Makoto and Yamato under the SL Plaza…

Io: Huh…? There's a whole other station platform?

Joe: *whistle* Fancy.

Makoto: This is a platform exclusively for JP's trains. The facility itself is quite old.

Daichi: E-Exclusively!? --Wait a sec, how is this even running? I mean, after what happened in the subway…!

Yamato: We don't have time to answer all your silly queries, Shijima. Let's go. Get on. We're already losing time.

Everyone files onto the train except Makoto.

Daichi: Makoto, aren't you coming?

Makoto: I must protect Tokyo while the Chief is away. Have a safe trip.

Daichi: Oh… Well, I'll make you proud!

Makoto watches the train depart.

Makoto: All of you… Please be safe.

Osaka, Special Platform

Everyone follows Yamato off the train where a small cadre of agents are waiting on him.

JP's Agent: Welcome back, Chief Hotsuin, Sir.

Yamato: I told you before, coming to meet me is a waste of time… What's done is done.

He joins the group of agents and faces Hibiki and the others.

Yamato: I have a meeting at the Osaka headquarters. You all should look at the situation in the city. Use your eyes and ears to find the truth behind the calamity. That is how you will survive it.

Daichi: Do we get a guide or something? Are we just supposed to wander Osaka alone?

JP's Agent: I heard you were coming, so I had a local asset prepared to show you around. Agent Wakui… Hey, Wakui!

Steely-Eyed Boy: I can hear, you know. Hey, the name's Keita Wakui.

Daichi: That look in his eyes is terrifying! What kind of kid is he?

JP's Agent: Wakui is also a civilian cooperating with JP's. He has access to the summoning application. He is familiar with the Osaka area and will serve as your escort. I'm sure you'll get along.

Daichi: I'm not so sure…

Io: Daichi… He can hear you.

JP's Agent: The meeting should be over by 1500. Come to Osaka headquarters then.

Yamato: I'll be heading there now. I shall see you later.

Yamato and the agents leave.

Daichi: Hey… Wait!

Joe: So, uh, Wakui, was it? Lemme ask you something. Is there a good ramen place near here? I'm starving!

Keita: You have a western accent. Where you from?

Joe: Wha--!? I-I'm a city boy!

Keita: Hmph…

Daichi: Hey, you're just gonna leave us here!?

Keita: I don't have time to be your friend. Even if I did, I wouldn't want to. Osaka isn't that big. You won't get lost. Go sightseeing on your own. Be at Bickman around 14:30. I'll take you over to headquarters then. Oh yeah… There are demons all over the city. watch your ass.

Daichi: What…? Th-There are demons here, too? So that's what Yamato meant…

Keita: You'll know 'em when you see 'em. And I will see you losers later. Good luck.

Keita leaves.

Ebisu Bridge


Daichi: Whew! They made it out alive and so did we! Alright, good day.

Hinako: Heeey~! You guys were awesome!

Hinako runs over to your group…

Daichi: Ack! You scared me! It's cool, Daichi, the demons are all gone. It's cool.

Hinako: Are you guys with the people in yellow who're fighting the demons?

Daichi: Yellow? Oh! It's actually more aureolin, but whatever.

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: Yeah, those guys! Is that what the weird logo on their uniform says? "JP's"?

Hinako: Nah, not them. The ones I saw have this weird J-P-apostrophe-S logo on their uniform. JP's?

Daichi: Ah, okay. I guess we are part of JP's, kinda… More like we know people who are.

Hinako: Really!? Can you introduce me? I wanna join up!

You're not sure what to say to this…

Io: Y-You say you want to join, but… we're not really official members either.

Hinako: You're not? Well then who are you guys?

Hibiki Kuze:

Joe: Yeah, what he said. We're just along for the ride with the JP's Chief.

Joe: Yeah, that. We're just ordinary guys and a lady who came along with the JP's Chief.

Hinako: Hrm… That so? Okay, can you introduce me to the Chief, then?

Daichi: Sure, that wouldn't be a problem… Wait, what!? You wanna meet him!?

Hinako: Why not? I can use demons. I'd be a big help!

Daichi: Um… Wh-What do you think, man?

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Really: You sure he won't go ballistic on us?

Daichi: Not that he isn't always, but who knows what he'd say if we brought in someone in without permission.

Joe: Why not? They were okay with me, obviously they don't have super-high standards. It'll be fine.

Osaka H.Q.

You arrive at the JP's headquarters in Shinsekai…

Keita: Here we are… The Osaka branch, JP's headquarters.

Io: This facility is amazing! I can't believe there's something like this in Osaka.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: You can tell? It may resemble the other branches, but all of JP's is centralized here.

Yamato: Hehehe… Very astute. It looks the same, but all of JP's is centralized here.

Daichi: Oh, Yamato--Er, Chief Hotsuin!

Keita: Yo, Yamato I brought Team Tokyo, am I done here?

Yamato: Yes, thank you, Agent Wakui. You may return to your duties.

Keita: Don't mind if I do. Hehehe…! Oh, one sec. That chick there, Hinako or something. She wants in on JP's.

Keita leaves…

Hinako steps forward towards Yamato…

Hinako: I wanna fight alongside you guys. Please, can I join?

Yamato: Given the dire situation, if you're willing to lend a hand, I have no objections. I'll prepare quarters for you. You can be brought up to speed there.

JP's Agent: This way, please.

Hinako: This rocks! Looks like I'm part of the group now! I'll catch you guys later!

Hinako follows the JP's agent out…

Yamato: Well, now that you've seen Osaka, what do you think?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato knits his brow…

Yamato: True, demon sightings have been on the rise since the calamity, but that is not the largest problem at hand.

Yamato smirks…

Yamato: Hahaha… Clever. It seems you have more insight than you know about the problem at hand.

Yamato nods slightly…

Yamato: You are correct. An earthquake striking both Tokyo and Osaka at once is impossible. You've gotten closer to the truth, but the problem is much larger than that.

Daichi: What problem? What are you getting at?

Yamato: You still don't know? Then how about this?

Images come up on the screen behind Yamato…

Io: That's Odaiba, right? It's devastated…

Daichi: And Osaka Castle… I can't believe this.

Joe: Oh god… Is that…? Is that Nagoya? Things are bad even out there.

Io: What!? S-Sapporo, too? The chaos has reached that far?

Joe: Yeesh! That's Fukuoka, right? All the way to the south. Hard to believe…

Daichi: Wh-What city is that one?

Yamato: That is Beppu. Almost directly in the center of Oita Prefecture.

Daichi: Oita… In Kyushu!? Wh-What's happening!?

Yamato: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Beppu. You see here the state of the six cities we currently have reports on.

Io: No! How could six distant cties all be so…?

Yamato: You misunderstand. These are the conditions of the six cities we know of.

Daichi: Wh-What's that supposed to mean!?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: We cannot even get in contact with the others. This disaster is worldwide.

Joe: So, that means…

Yamato: The conclusion we must draw is that this is mankind's darkest hour. The human race is undergoing an unprecedented crisis.

Io: That can't be… Such destruction…

Everyone is at a loss for words…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: We don't have an answer at the moment. We'd like for you to gather as much intel as possible so we can answer that question.

Daichi: Ha… Hahaha…!

Io: D-Daichi…?

Daichi: You're kidding. You have to be. There's no way I'm believing this. I-It's gotta be a lie. I mean, we came here to find out what caused the disaster, but… but this! All that stuff you said, all that destruction. It just… It can't be true. This is some kind of trick!

Joe: Easy there, Daichi, calm down…

Daichi: Don't tell me to calm down! There's… There's no way this could actually happen! Right!? S-Someone tell me this is all a lie… Please.

Daichi runs off…

Io: Ah, D-Daichi!

Joe: Sorry, this is a lot to chew on. I'm gonna step out, too…

Joe leaves as well…

Io: J-Joe…!

Yamato: Leave them. They'll have to face the truth sooner or later.

Io: I-I'm sorry… I would like some time to think as well. It's… I can't believe something like this could really happen.

Io leaves the area…

Yamato: They're shaken. They chose to act, but I suppose civilians are not built to handle this. You should think it through as well, whether to continue on, or sit and wait for death.

Yamato leaves…

Osaka H.Q.

Yamato is staring at a JP's agent with his cold gaze…

JP's Agent: We're getting reports of tremendous civilian casualties. There are more demons than expected.

Yamato: I see… Yes?

JP's Agent: W-Well, I believe there is a need for increased defenses.

Yamato: More defenses? Why?

JP's Agent: Huh? W-Well, the civilians, Sir.

Yamato: What do we gain by taking that extra risk?

JP's Agent: W-Well…

Yamato: Why waste time saving all the incompetents? It won't help our tactical situation. It will only speed up the process that is killing Japan. Am I wrong?

JP's Agent: N-No, Sir, but…

Yamato: Dismissed, Agent. I'm busy.

JP's Agent: S-Sorry, Chief Hotsuin…

When the agent bows and marches out, Yamato glances in your direction…

Yamato: Ah, it's you. The situation is as you've heard. Listening to our emotions and saving everyone we can would be easy. We aren't blind to this. However, doing so would diminish our own forces, and we'd only have more incompetents to show for it. Do you understand? We must have priorities, unlike Japan before.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: The only reason this nation protects its citizens is for their productive power. That's useless now. What we need are people who can use demons and people who can defeat them. Saving anyone else is a waste of resources.

Yamato: It requires more explanation than that. What Japan needs now are people who can use demons and people who can defeat them. Those are the only people worth saving. People like you…

Yamato: Well, then… Dismissed.

Yamato turns back to his work…

Osaka H.Q.

You return to the JP's headquarters…

Yamato: You've returned. How were your friends?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato lets out a soft sigh…

Yamato: That's natural. I'm not so heartless as to expect them to soldier on.

Yamato nods slightly…

Yamato: If that's your assessment, there shouldn't be any problems.

Yamato smiles…

Yamato: Is this confidence or malice? Very well, I leave them in your hands.

Yamato: You're the only one unfazed by this. You seem like a man I can rely on. I hope your resolve rubs off on the others.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: "Why"? I'm the leader of JP's. My task is to defend Japan.

Yamato: I am worried, for this country's future.

Yamato: JP's has borne the burden of protecting this country from the supernatural for ages. And the Hotsuin clan has led JP's for generations.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Not really. My clan is possessed of a great power, passed down since ancient times…

Yamato: Ha! In part. My clan has dominion over a great power passed down since ancient times.

Yamato: It is called the "Dragon Stream". I doubt that you'd know of it.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That simplifies things. The Hotsuin clan has the ability to harness the strength of the Dragon Stream.

Yamato: The Dragon Stream refers to the path of chi that flows in these lands. Only the Hotsuin can access this power and shape it to our desired form.

Yamato: I exist only to use this power to lead JP's and defend this country. I am Japan's shadow.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato looks at you with a small smile…

Yamato: Yes. You should be grateful. It is our work that supported your daily lives, after all.

Yamato looks at you with a hint of a smirk…

Yamato: If your potential is all it seems, then I'll gladly accept your help.

Yamato: I have something else I have been meaning to ask of you, Kuze…

Alarms start blaring.

Yamato: What's going on!? Report!

A number of JP's agents rush in…

JP's Agent: Chief Hotsuin! Demons appearing near the Tsuutenkaku! Two from the north and south!

Yamato: On screen! Send out a call to every JP's team. Set up a chain of command.

Yamato is rapidly barking orders…

JP's Agent: We have a visual! Coming up on screen four!

SDF Commander: What is this… m-monster!?

He falls over and dies.

Yamato: Hm… So they don't stand a chance after all.

Keita: So, I heard we found a monster!

Hinako: I just got the call. There's a monster at the Tsuutenkaku!?

Io: *gasp* Those soldiers… They're…

Daichi: Sorry I'm late--Whoa! What the hell is that!?

Joe: Hey guys! Oh, crap… another attack?

JP's Agent: Summoning app confirms the name! This one is "Merak", Sir!

Yamato: Alright, let's move. Get those people out of its path. I'll handle the north. You're in command, Kuze. Head south and defeat Merak.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato sighs…

Yamato: You and your friends have come too far to back out now. Engage and destroy.

Yamato smiles approvingly…

Yamato: The rest of you give them whatever support you can. Commence the operation!

Daichi: Wait…! Is he serious!?

Pre-battle phone call:

Yamato: Can you hear me? We've analyzed Merak and discerned a number of its abilities. It sends out disc-shaped machines that explode once they've reached their target. The main body attacks with a forward-facing cannon. Instruct your allies to avoid its line of fire. That is all. Fight well.

He hangs up without saying goodbye again.


Yamato: Well done, you performed better than I anticipated.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Heh. Did you think I'd abandon you to die?

Yamato: How vainglorious, although it seems you do have the skill to back it up.

Yamato: Heh heh heh… I'm surprised you think so, you're doing so well.

Yamato: It seems that the Tsuutenkaku is safe as well. It'll need some fixing up, but not too much, considering. Now then, you're finished here. You may return to Tokyo. The train leaves around 1900. Do as you please until then.


Hisaya Blvd
Nagoya Branch

Airi: We… We won! Everything's okay now, right?

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: Ronaldo, are you alright?

Ronaldo: Mostly… Damn, what was that thing!?

Makoto: That was Phecda. An enemy of JP's.

Fumi: Hey, Mako. You're a little late for the fun.

Makoto: My apologies, I got here as fast as I could.

Ronaldo: Sako… You're here too? Ah, this is not my lucky day.

Makoto: Ronaldo Kuriki… I thought you'd be behind this.

Ronaldo: That's right. I'll oppose your evil group and Yamato Hotsuin until my dying breath.

Makoto: I'll let you go, this time. Thank you for helping us.

Ronaldo: I don't need mercy from JP's!

Makoto: That's not what I meant. Attacking you now would be repaying your kindness with malice.

Airi: Are you kidding me!? He's the one who destroyed the branch… and Nagoya!

Makoto: You must be Agent Ban. I've heard of you. Please understand, JP's does not hold personal vendettas.

Fumi: Um, Mako… Do you have the authorization for this? I'm pretty sure the Chief'll be pissed.

Makoto: Hm… I'll make the report. This is my decision.

Ronaldo: Hmph! Sako, I'll leave today because I can tell you're sincere.

He turns to talk to Hibiki.

Ronaldo: Don't let your guard down. JP's isn't the organization you think it is. You hear me? Hotsuin is up to something. Do not trust him!

Ronaldo leaves.

Airi: Hey! Wait, you coward!

Fumi: I don't get it. You're going soft, Mako.

Makoto: Fumi… That's enough.

Hisaya Blvd
Nagoya Branch

Yamato is browbeating a JP's agent…

Yamato: I come out here for an estimate and you don't have one prepared?

JP's Agent: I-I apologize, Sir! The terminal systems are down as well. It may take even longer to fix.

Yamato: Do not waste any more of my time.

JP's Agent: Yes, Sir!

The JP's agent runs off…

Yamato: Pathetic. Don't you agree? We're so easily crippled by a mere civilian jamming our communications. Was the Nagoya branch just fooling around all this time? Train them all you wish, but trash is trash.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That's it? "It can't be helped"?

Yamato's lips curl into a slight smile…

Yamato: If even you think them unsalvagable, they must be even less than trash.

Yamato: Fire them? Hm… That is the obvious solution. If I had any less useless agents I would have done it years ago.

Yamato: Encouragement? If they need someone to stroke their egos, they came to the wrong organization.

Yamato: It is rather bothersome how much extra work their failures create.

Yamato turns back to continue his work…

Electric Museum

You notice a familiar man up ahead…

Ronaldo: Hey, weren't you with JP's?

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: I don't intend to fight you here. After all, you're just a civilian helping JP's out, right?

Ronaldo: Hmph, you're just a civilian helping them out, right? I don't intend to fight you.

Ronaldo: Are you joking? You're just a civilian helping JP's, aren't you? I don't intend to fight you.

Ronaldo: You're not from Nagoya, huh? Where are you from?

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Of course.

Ronaldo: Let me guess, Tokyo? Hahaha! I can tell from your demeanor…

Ronaldo: JP's must be losing personnel. Ever since all this madness started, they've been grabbing up anyone who can summon demons.

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Yeah… Even kids like you.

Ronaldo: Yep. Official agents have uniforms. Anybody else falls under that category.

Ronaldo: Why are you helping JP's…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: I see… There's nothing wrong with that. Anybody else would do the same.

Ronaldo: Do you truly think that? Their justice is not the kind I believe in.

Ronaldo: I'm a…detective. Of course, that was before all this happened. My senpai had a tip about a top-secret government organization called "JP's". I didn't believe him… He discovered that the Hotsuin family had been leading JP's for generations. And then he disappeared…

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: I don't know for sure. He just vanished without a trace.

Ronaldo: Why would I lie? He vanished, without a trace.

Ronaldo: I was following his tracks, finishing his case, then, the world changed. And then they appeared…

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: That's right. The same organization, led by one Yamato Hotsuin. They used their government powers to gather food and supplies. And then they abandoned the people. They refused to distribute what they'd collected. They treat us like we're garbage.

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: It's worse than that! People have died, that blood is on their hands!

Ronaldo: I can understand that. JP's has been killing demons. Food and supplies are necessary to maintain any organization. But that doesn't mean they should leave others to die.

Ronaldo: You see, that's how JP's operates. I believe my mentor was "terminated" by Hotsuin and his evil organization.

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Definitely! It's obvious after seeing how they're acting now…

Ronaldo: Why!? It's obvious after seeing how they're acting!

Ronaldo: If you want to find the truth, try asking Hotsuin himself! Just… be careful.

You say your farewells to Ronaldo and leave the area…

Hisaya Blvd
Nagoya Branch

You find Yamato watching the restoration work with his cold gaze…

Yamato: Ah, hello, Hibiki. Well done today.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: You're quite impressive. You drove away the rioters, defeated Phecda, and retook the Nagoya branch.

Yamato: You drove away the rioters, defeated Phecda, and retook the Nagoya branch. What more could you have hoped to accomplish?

Yamato: I'm sure you are. It was no mean feat to drive away the rioters, defeat Phecda, and retake the Nagoya branch.

Yamato: You also met with Ronaldo Kuriki, didn't you? What did he have to say to you?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Really? Did he mention that one of his acquaintances was killed?

Yamato: Let me guess, he mentioned one of his acquaintances was killed?

Yamato: Hahaha! Foolish rat. He forgets his place, and dares to snap at a soaring dragon.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: A pointless question. Does a hawk not kill animals that would threaten its nest?

Yamato: Why should I? Does a hawk not kill animals that would threaten its nest?

Yamato: JP's has always been a secret. Not even leaders of other nations knew of us. It is knowledge far beyond that rat's ken.

It seems Yamato has firmly shut the door on this conversation…

Yamato: I do very much appreciate your annihilation of Phecda. Once more, well done. Dismissed.

You say your farewells to Yamato and leave the area…


Tokyo Tower

Post-battle phone call:
Io: Hm…? I think your phone's ringing.

Yamato: I have been told that you subdued Megrez. Well done.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That's fine. The others have already been taken care of.

Yamato: Not an issue. The rest have already been destroyed.

Yamato: What are your thoughts on that engagement?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: So you didn't sense anything? Very well.

Yamato: I see. So you felt the same as I. Compared to the last three, this "Megrez" was rather weak. I'll keep you posted as we learn more. Well done.

Yamato: Very well.

Yamato hangs up without saying goodbye.

SL Plaza

You find Makoto waiting for you at the SL Plaza…

Makoto: Kuze! Hey, over here! Sorry again for the short notice.

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: Thank you. You can relax until we reach Osaka. We'll go right to the meeting when we arrive.

Makoto: Yes, of course. If we leave for Osaka right now, we should make it in time for the meeting.

Gowned Woman: Hello. It seems we'll be traveling to Osaka together.

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: This is Otome Yanagiya, one of JP's' private doctors.

Otome: I've heard quite a few rumors about you. Chief Hotsuin and Mako both talk about you so much.

Makoto: O-Otome! What're you saying!?

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: Wh-What's with that smirk on your face!?

Makoto: Y-Yes, exactly! Chief Hotsuin speaks of you rather frequently! Almost too frequently!

Otome: Why're you changing the subject? It's not like I said you were in love with him or anything.

Makoto: Ngh! Enough! We must leave for Osaka!

Otome: Hahaha! Sorry. It seems everyone really does like you.

Hibiki Kuze:

Otome: Ah, good. You are a boy, after all. It's not such a bad thing to be loved.

Otome: Who knows? Maybe I'll end up liking you too.

Otome: Come on, it's almost time to go.

Osaka H.Q.

You sit in on the meeting concerning countermeasures against Megrez…

Yamato: …That's where the situation stands. We were just brought some new intel from the teams in Tokyo. We now know that these "buds" are created and ejected from Megrez's main body. What we knew as "Dubhe" on Sunday was in fact a fully grown bud.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Tracing the trajectory of the buds indicates that the main Megrez body is offshore.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Correct. We're still trying to determine at what depth. At present, we have no way of stopping it. Though we're working on a number of countermeasure theories. Until then, all personnel must quickly report and eliminate any discovered buds. It won't address the root problem, but the quakes they cause can be devastating. That is all. Dismissed.

The meeting seems to have come to an end…

Yamato: Hibiki, I wanted to thank you for coming all the way out here.

You turn to see Yamato approaching you…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Don't take it so hard. I'm glad you still live.

Yamato: Uh-huh… I can't say I understand, but you seem quite composed about all this.

Yamato: Now you've heard the details. The other agents will deal with the buds as they appear. Sako, Kanno, and Yanagiya are on patrol for now. The initial sweep will last until 1500. While we still lack information on the buds' powers, those three should suffice. For you, I have something else in mind.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Indeed. Something you are more suited to than JP's agents.

Yamato: Ha! That simplifies things considerably. I'll just leave this task in your hands.

Yamato: I won't force you, but this isn't just a JP's problem. It affects Japan's future.

Yamato: Do you recall the Nagoya riot? We received word a moment ago that civilians are acting up again. Another such situation while dealing with these buds would be problematic. I'd like your team to look into these civilians and deal with any problems they pose.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ha! You're quick on the uptake. I'll let you decide which methods to employ.

Yamato: Use any means necessary. Should they get in your way, you needn't spare their lives.

Yamato: I'll be in touch with you soon about the countermeasure against Megrez. You're free until then. Although… there is something else I wish to speak with you about. Come see me later when you have the time. Dismissed.

Yamato bows gracefully before leaving…

Osaka H.Q.

You find Yamato in a hallway behind the clock…

Yamato: Ah, you've come. I'm sorry to have made you seek me out.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: The countermeasure isn't yet prepared, but it won't take long. Let's talk.

Yamato: Yes, about that…

Yamato: I dislike excessive preambles: What did that man tell you?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: The man who gave you information about Megrez back in Tokyo.

Yamato: I… don't know. The one who told you about Megrez in Tokyo.

Yamato: Why did he appear to you…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: So you can think of no reason why? Would you consent to tell me about him?

You tell Yamato about the enigmatic man you met in Tokyo…

Yamato: There's almost certainly no mistake then…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Do not concern yourself. You'll find out eventually. If he is who I think he is, you'll see him again. Do not let your guard down. His powers are tremendous. If you put your trust in him, he'll lure you in.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Very well. There's nothing more you need to know at this point.

Yamato: If that was important, don't you think I would have told you? Better not to know for right now.

Yamato: To be perfectly frank, I have a high opinion of you all. To think that amongst ignorant civilians there would be those capable of standing against the Septentriones. Especially you. You have a knack for drawing out your friends' strengths. You're an intriguing one… Perhaps even dangerous.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ha! Consider it a compliment. I've no issue with you after all.

Yamato: Ha! I suppose it is. You have my admiration.

Yamato: I'm interested to see just how much you can achieve. Dismissed.

Yamato seems rather amused as he turns to leave…

Osaka H.Q.

Yamato is staring down a nervous JP's Agent.

JP's Agent: I-I'm sorry, Sir! I take full responsibility.

Yamato: Explain.

JP's Agent: We let some demons escape, and there's a lot of damage on our end…

Yamato: And the cause?

JP's Agent: A flaw in my plan, Sir. I have no excuse. I am prepared to accept full punishment.

Yamato: Hm… Understood.

JP's Agent: S-Sir…?

Yamato: Is there anything else to report?

JP's Agent: Sir, what's going to happen to me?

Yamato: Nothing. Now go.

JP's Agent: Sir?

Yamato: Don't make me change my mind. Go.

JP's Agent: Thank you, Sir!

The agent bows and speeds out of the room…

Yamato: ……

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hmph! You think so? Punishment is for those who fail to meet expectations. I will not waste time punishing those from whom I expect nothing.

Yamato: Punish him? I only punish those who still have a chance for improvement. It's simple. Flawed materials provide trash results. It is not worth my time to punish him.

Yamato: JP's agents must have spiritual power. Other than that we take gifted people from any field. Still, they are simple, modern people. Training will not improve their constitution. I only use them because I have no better pawns available to me. It is difficult to understand. You are a mere civilian, yet you have performed amazing feats. Where did you attain the grounding to do such things?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Curious… No special training aside from the battles of the past few days. You nurtured your talents in such a short time. You truly are impressive.

Yamato: Ha! Is that so? No special training aside from the battles of the past few days. That is how the talents slumbering within you have awakened. Very impressive.

Yamato: Is that so? If memory serves, you've shown some actions hardly becoming of an expert. Most likely these recent struggles nurtured your natural abilities. Still, to grow so much, so quickly. Marvelous.

Yamato: I look forward to seeing just how far you will exceed my expectations.

Yamato smirks and returns to his work…

Osaka H.Q.

Makoto is discussing something with Yamato…

Yamato: So, you let him go. I knew there was something unnatural about his escape…

Makoto: I'm sorry, Chief Hotsuin, I had to make a call. Ronaldo assisted us during the Phecda engagement. In return, I let him run.

Yamato: Of course you did. This is the sort of mistake only you would make, Sako.

Makoto: Again, I apologize…

Yamato: Never mind him, Sako. He's little more than a nuisance.

Makoto: Sir?

Yamato: One splashing fish won't turn the river. His time will come.

Makoto: Chief, I can't shake this feeling… Is he really our enemy?

Yamato: Hm?

Makoto: There may be some truth to what he says.

Yamato: Hmph… I never thought I'd hear that from you. Very well, do as you please, Sako.

Makoto: Ch-Chief Hotsuin…!?

Yamato: Your skills are impressive, but I will abide no dissent. I do not need unreliable assets in JP's.

Makoto: But I…! *sigh*

Makoto bows low, shame plain on her face…

Makoto: JP's took me in when I had nowhere to turn. I will not leave until my debt is repaid.

Yamato: As you wish. The time is coming when you must make a final decision.

Yamato turns on his heel and marches out of the room…

Makoto sighs, then her eyes fall upon you…

Makoto: *sigh* Sorry you had to hear all that.

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: Oh… About that…

Makoto: Heh, are you trying to comfort me? Thanks. I'm a terrible superior officer…

Makoto: Don't be cruel…

Makoto: …… I owe JP's for the opportunity they gave me.

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: As a student, I was a synchronized swimmer. I was… hit by a car, and had to quit. My life was over. That's when JP's found me. They gave me a reason to live again. I won't leave JP's. I can't. I can never repay them for what they did. …… There I go, I've said to much… Well, excuse me.

Makoto walks away…

Osaka H.Q.

Familiar faces are gathered in the headquarters' command room…

Yamato: Thank you for coming. Though the terminals are now operational, I know everyone fought hard to get here. Earlier we gathered to discuss countermeasures against Megrez, the latest Septentrione. We now know that the buds are only pieces of the creature. Its main body was discovered in the Pacific. We're investigating ways to eliminate it, but the situation has evolved. Our analysis shows that Megrez is surfacing. It won't be long before it reaches us here.

Daichi whispers to you…

Daichi: (Hey, what's all this about?)

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: (Harsh, dude… I'm nervous too, y'know.)

Daichi: (An operation!? We're gonna have to fight it…?)

Yamato: We've confirmed a total of three Megrez. They began moving at synchronous speeds.

Io: Th-Three of them? They're all surfacing?

Yamato: Landing sites are predicted to be Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. They'll head for the towers there.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That is a reasonable question, but every second counts now. The answer will have to wait. Now then. The three Megrez may be like the buds: capable of supporting one another.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Meaning that even if one is slain, the others will regenerate it.

Yamato: Shrewdly put.

Daichi: What…? Um, sorry, for those of us without a doctorate, what's going on?

Yamato: You're disrupting the flow of conversation, Shijima. It is quite annoying.

Daichi: Um… Sorry…

Yamato: You are forgiven. What it means is; even if one Megrez is slain, the others will simply regenerate it.

Daichi: Y-You're serious? How do we beat something like that!?

Yamato: That is the key to this operation. We will form three units and attack simultaneously.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Sako, Shijima, Nitta, and Akie will attack the Megrez in Tokyo Bay. Kujou, Wakui, and Yanagiya will head to Osaka Bay. Ban, Kanno, and Torii will be responsible for Nagoya Bay. Questions?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ha! Very sharp. It is your choice as to which unit you wish to join.

Yamato: Hahaha! My apologies. Perhaps I inadvertently misled you. It will be your choice as to which unit you wish to join. You understand why, of course?

Yamato: Dubhe, Merak, Phecda. You are the reason they were annihilated. It was largely your judgment that won those battles. So you have a share in the decisions for this operation. I'm sure you have no objections. So… which team will it be?

Hibiki Kuze:

The members assigned to Tokyo are secretly happy…

Yamato: Very well. I leave command of Tokyo to you. Listen: This operation can only succeed if the three Megrez are defeated simultaneously. There will be no second chances. Stay in constant communication and focus on defeating them all at once.

Daichi: Yes! I knew you'd stick with Team Tokyo!

Io: Yeah… I'm always glad to fight alongside you.

Makoto: Let's give this operation our best.

Joe: Hahaha! Don't forget about Joe! Well then, let's go kick some Megrez ass!

The members assigned to Osaka are secretly happy…

Yamato: Is that so…? I leave command of Osaka to you. Listen: This operation can only succeed if the three Megrez are defeated simultaneously. There will be no second chances. Stay in constant communication and focus on defeating them all at once.

Hinako: That's what I'm talking about! You know Osaka's gonna rock this!

Otome: We're together again, it seems. I'm excited!

Keita: You're hangin' with us in Osaka? Well, it's your call.

The members assigned to Nagoya are secretly happy…

Yamato: Understood. I leave command of Nagoya to you. Listen: This operation can only succeed if the three Megrez are defeated simultaneously. There will be no second chances. Stay in constant communication and focus on defeating them all at once.

Airi: You're fighting with us? We better win this!

Fumi: Oh, right, you chose Nagoya. Let's finish this.

Jungo: You're coming with us? Good. I'll help.

Yamato: Good luck to you all. Operation commence!

Yamato: The preparations are complete. Good work, all of you. Now… Go! Destroy Megrez once and for all!

All three teams destroy their respective Megrez.

Your phone rings…

Yamato: It's me, Hibiki. Good work defeating Megrez.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ha! I was in command and had all the pawns I needed. There was no reason to doubt. Megrez has completely disappeared from our scanners. Enjoy your victory.

Osaka H.Q.

Daichi is looking around…

Daichi: Yamato? Hello~? Geez, where is that guy? Hey, have you seen Yamato?

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Oh, some JP's dude asked me to find him. Something about a meeting… fate of the world… Meh, guess I'll come back later. Hold up… What's this?

There are several piles of paper on the desk. Daichi picks up a sheet at random.

Daichi: Let's see… "Initial Observations on Septentrione Engagement"? Um… "Recovering and analyzing remnants from target and crystalline structure." "Ergo, power source unknown. Wave functions…" Blah, blah, blah, science-y crap… "Overlap and elemental particles…" What the heck does this mean? Seriously, what language is this in?

Yamato: I'm impressed.

Daichi: Gyah! Oh, it's you, Yamato. Man, you freaked me out.

Yamato: Very studious, Shijima. However, those are the old reports. I'll have them bring you the most recent data.

Daichi: N-No thanks! I'm done with this stuff. It makes no sense.

Yamato: Are you a remedial student? It's all written in rather simple Japanese.

Daichi: Is that so? Well, excuse me…! What kind of high school did you go to? One reserved for hyper-mega-super-geniuses?

Yamato: High school? No, I never attended an educational institution.

Daichi: No way! Not even elementary school?

Yamato: I finished university-level education when I was young. Private lectures with leading experts were arranged when I was unclear on anything. That's always been the Hotsuin way.

Daichi: That's just nuts. What kind of life is that? Wasn't that rough? That means you didn't even have time to hang out with friends…

Yamato: "Friends"…?

Daichi: Yeah… "friends". I mean you can't play soccer or dodgeball by yourself, right?

Yamato: Not an issue. I had no need for useless diversions like soccer and such.

Daichi: What about dodgeball?

Yamato: I believe that was covered in "and such".

Daichi: Oh… I guess it's tough being special. It actually makes me happy I had a normal life.

Yamato: What?

Daichi: Oh, right! A JP's agent was looking for you. He said you're needed in the conference room. Welp, mission accomplished. Bye, guys!

Daichi leaves…

Yamato: "A normal life"…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: If you say so, perhaps it is worth looking into. You led a "normal life", yet here you stand.

Yamato: You disagree with Shijima? Ha! You really are worthy of my interest. Yet despite your "normal life", here you stand.

Yamato: *chuckle* So a civilian would be my tutor? Unusual, but perhaps enlightening. Your "normal life" has somehow led you here.

Yamato: Is there something within a common life that should produce a wonder like you? Hmph… I doubt it.

Yamato walks away, lost in thought…


Shiba Park

You find Daichi staring at something…

Daichi: Oh… Hey, Hibiki.

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: I found something unusual. Check this out…

Daichi: Well… How should I put it? I found something kinda weird. Take a look…

Daichi: C'mon, gimme some credit. I found something crazy. Come see…

You follow Daichi's gaze to Yamato, who is staring at the sky with other JP's agents…

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Huh? Wait, you're gonna talk to him!? Hey…!

Yamato: Hrm…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ah, Hibiki. There's something on my mind.

Yamato: Ah, Hibiki. The sky, clearly.

Yamato: How pedantic. I expected something more interesting from you.

Yamato: Since dawn, neurotoxin deaths have been on the rise in Tokyo. What do you think's behind it?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! You've a long way to go as a commander. That man would never have the nerve. Casualties keep rising but there are no witnesses or other information. It must be Septentriones.

Yamato: Correct. You're quick to assess a situation. Casualties keep rising, but there are no witnesses or other information, it must be them…

Yamato: Extrapolating from the time of the outbreak and the proliferation of cases so far… The enemy must be moving at a constant speed. For optimal distribution of the toxin, it would have to be flying overhead.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: You're impressed by such simple things. It was the most natural conclusion to draw.

Yamato: It's a theory still, but I don't see any holes.

Yamato: Its target… is here.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I'm sure of it.

Yamato: Tokyo Tower is just past this park. It will definitely go after that.

Yamato: The towers are strategically vital. We must defend them at any cost.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I suppose it is time to let you know. I told you once that JP's carries the burden of protecting Japan from the supernatural.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Mmm… You did a superb job against Merak at the time. I should thank you again for that.

Yamato: Before the battle against Merak. Do you recall now?

Yamato: We of the Hotsuin learned of the Dragon Stream long ago. With ancient incantations, we created a spell that twists its power into any shape or form we desire. After the war, it was applied to build these towers. To defend Japan against all foreign invasion.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Very keen of you. The tower focuses the Dragon Stream into a barrier.

Yamato: It creates a barrier. One that cannot be seen or touched. It is the strongest bastion we have.

Yamato: This is why they target the towers. This is why we must defend them at all cost.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: The barrier will disperse. Cities that lose their towers are doomed to destruction.

Yamato: The city will lose its only defense. It is certain to crumble and perish afterwards.

The JP's agent standing nearby approaches you…

JP's Agent 1: We've been exposed too long, Sir. You must fall back immediately.

A hot pink and purple pod falls from the sky and lands behind Yamato and the agents.

JP's Agent 2: What is that thing!? It came from the sky!

JP's Agent 1: Stand back, Chief Hotsuin! We'll handle this! I'll flank it! You assault the front.

JP's Agent 2: Roger.

The agents flank the pod.

JP's Agent 2: Stay alert! I can't even tell what it is…

JP's Agent 1: No reaction? I guess it's just a coward. Wait… What's it doing!? Ngh!

JP's Agent 2: It exploded! Hey, are you alright!?

JP's Agent 1: I'm good. I've been through worse… What is this stuff? Huh…! Gyargh!

JP's Agent 2: H-Hey! What's happening!? Sit-rep, now!

JP's Agent 1: Stay back…! Don't come any closer! Rgh… unh…

JP's Agent 2: Hold on! I'm coming!

Yamato: Imbecile! Don't risk your life!

She runs into the toxic cloud anyway and dies immediately.

Yamato: The Septentrione is here…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Leave them! It's their own fault!

Airi: They're… dead!?

Yamato: I don't see it. Perhaps it has some kind of camouflage.

Yamato: Hm… That explains where the toxins are coming from at least. The falling objects explode after a time, releasing the toxins into the air. This is a great opportunity, Hibiki. We shall not let it pass us by. Prepare for battle. Defend me as I obtain the enemy's location. I will now present the details of the operation.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I shall use the fallen objects to calculate the coordinates of the main body. To maintain accuracy, I'll need to make multiple calculations. I will be vulnerable. I need the rest of you to destroy the fallen objects before they explode and release their toxins. That is all. Do you understand?

Yamato: Of course. Let me explain it again. Listen closely this time.

Yamato: Alright. As my subordinates are trash, I must depend on you. Now… It's showtime.

Mid-battle, Yamato's first turn:
Yamato: Alright… Let the operation begin. I need you to defend me.

He approaches the first pod and captures the coordinates.

Yamato: I have completed my calculation at the first location. Now advancing.

Mid-battle, Yamato's second turn taking poison damage:
Yamato: The toxin is spreading. This will be rather troublesome.

Yamato: I have completed the calculations! Let's eradicate the demons!

Yamato: Excellent. All the demons have been destroyed.

Yamato: Data input complete. Coordinates calculated. Beginning scan… There!

Daichi: What the! There's something floating up there!

Yamato: "Alioth" designation confirmed. It's already passed above… That's unfortunate.

Daichi: Wh-What do you mean "unfortunate"?

JP's Agent: Yes, Chief Hotsuin?

Yamato: A Septentrione is approaching your location. Don't let your guard down.

JP's Agent: What!? We don't see anything here.

Yamato: It's invisible to the naked eye. I'm sending over a filter module now. Check the skies!

JP's Agent: Understood, Sir!

Alioth appears in the sky.

JP's Agent: Holy hell! What is that thing!? Chief Hotsuin! There's an unidentified flying object up there!

Yamato: I figured as much. Cut the power!

JP's Agent: What!? D-Did you just say to…

Yamato: Was I somehow unclear? Cut the damn power! Temporarily freeze the barrier!

JP's Agent: That's crazy, Sir! If we do that Tokyo will fall!

Yamato: Don't question me! If the tower loses power it will no longer be an active target!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: What do you suggest? We sit idly by and watch while it destroys the tower? There will be some casualties but it's better than losing the tower. Cut the damned power!

JP's Agent: Yes, Sir!

Yamato: …… Can you hear me? Respond!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I don't know…

JP's Agent: Chief! Chief Hotsuin! Can anyone hear me!?

Yamato: What happened!? Report!

JP's Agent: We're safe, Sir. The power has been cut. Alioth is changing course, Sir. It's headed north!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: We're not out of the woods yet. North, huh?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: The active towers are in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Sapporo. It must be…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Precisely. It hasn't given up on attacking the towers.

Yamato: To the tower in Sapporo. It hasn't given up its attack.

Yamato: Based on its flight speed, it'll take a few hours to reach Hokkaido. We can't leave the barrier in Tokyo off indefinitely. Unless we defeat it, it will eventually return here.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: You're right. We must devise a countermeasure before it reaches Sapporo. Do you read me? Alioth is advancing towards Sapporo. Relay that to all JP's personnel and begin work on a countermeasure at once.

JP's Agent: Understood, Chief Hotsuin. We'll post status reports as soon as possible.

Yamato: Do we have your support?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Thank you. Alioth's altitude is far higher than our demons' effective range.

Yamato: Ha! No. Alioth is flying far higher than our demons' effective range.

Yamato: If this continues, it could destroy the tower without us ever intercepting it. You must find a way to shoot it out of the sky. We'll be making our own preparations. I have every faith in you.

You say your farewells to Yamato before leaving…

Pre-For the Interception phone call:
Your phone is ringing…

Yamato: It's me. How goes the countermeasure against Alioth?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I have no time for a vague response. Is it done or not?

Yamato: Excellent. I knew you could handle it. In any case, come meet me at the Osaka headquarters. I'll go over the details of the Alioth takedown plan.

It seems you should head for Yamato's position…

Tokyo Branch

Familiar faces are gathered in the hall…

Yamato: Let's begin. First, Alioth has passed the mid-point between Tokyo and Sapporo. Thus, we have restored power to the Tokyo barrier. It is once again active.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: There is no word of heavy casualties. I doubt there were none, however.

Yamato: Don't be so hasty. There's no word of heavy casualties, but there were likely some.

Otome: How do we intercept Alioth, Sir?

Yamato: It's true that Alioth flies higher than we can reach with our demons. Our plan is to shoot Alioth down and finish it on the ground.

Daichi: Shoot it down? How?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Precisely. Shiva's Pasupata is capable of bringing down Alioth.

Yamato: Precisely. Shiva's Pasupata is capable of bringing down Alioth.

Yamato: Hm. I don't see the humor there. Surely you are aware that Shiva's Pasupata is capable of bringing down Alioth?

Hinako: So that's why we need Shiva. What else?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That's right. There's a recorded instance of Shiva releasing Pasupata at Kama.

Yamato: That's right. There's a recorded instance of Shiva releasing Pasupata at Kama.

Yamato: *sigh* How much longer do you intend to maintain this farce? You already know there's a recorded instance of Shiva firing Pasupata at Kama.

Yamato: We will resurrect Shiva and Kama to recreate the conditions set forth in the legend. With Kama as bait, we'll induce Shiva into using Pasupata to shoot down Alioth!

Io: So, um, how do we resurrect Shiva and Kama?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Yes. Kujou will take on the task of summoning Shiva.

Yamato: I am not amused. Shiva is also known as the Lord of the Dance.

Yamato: We will have Kujou dance to lure Shiva out.

Hinako: It is my specialty!

Daichi: Um… Cool. So what about the other one?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: …Yes. The task of summoning Kama falls to Ban.

Yamato: *sigh* Don't defer to me simply because you find it unpleasant to say it out loud. It will be Ban's task to lure out Kama.

Airi: I feel like I got tricked into this… Whatever! I won't let Stupid Hina win!

Yamato: Shiva is sealed at the TV Tower in Nagoya, and Kama is sealed at Cine City Plaza in Shinjuku. You're in command, Hibiki. Resurrect Shiva and Kama, and be prepared to battle Alioth.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Our intel states that Alioth's vitals are in the core at the center of its mammoth form. Once Alioth has been shot down over Sapporo, we will charge in and assault the core.

Io: Er… I-I have a question!

Yamato: Nitta?

Io: Um… When Shiva uses Pasupata, Alioth will be shot out of the sky, right?

Yamato: …That is the idea.

Io: Wh-What happens to Sapporo when Alioth falls?

Daichi: Hey, yeah! It'll be crushed!

Yamato: ……

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: It is as you say. Sapporo will be destroyed by Alioth's fall.

Daichi: What!?

Airi: No!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Don't misunderstand. The death toll from Alioth's fall on Sapporo will be zero.

Yamato: I knew you'd understand. As you've guessed, the resulting death count will be zero.

Daichi: How's that work!? You said Alioth's gonna fall smack on top of Sapporo!

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: That's impossible! You can't be saying that--

Yamato: Indeed. Sapporo is already a city of the dead.

Daichi: N-No way…! That can't be…

Yamato: You think it seems unlikely? I don't. The demons' rampage and the masses' fear of the unknown caused chaos and strife. Civilians are little more than sheep. It's hardly a surprise.

Daichi: What!? What about all those people?

Yamato: Your protests don't make it any less true. Tokyo has survived. Sapporo has perished. Is now the time for mourning the dead? If we don't deal with this threat immediately, the remaining cities will follow.

Daichi: I feel sick…

Hibiki Kuze:

Airi: Let's do this. We have to! If we don't, all the rest will've been for nothing!

Airi: Yeah… If we fail now, everything else we've done will have been for nothing.

Io: R-Right! Let's go…! We must stop Alioth!

Hinako: Damn straight! We gotta keep on, for those who already died…

Otome: Definitely! Retreat is no longer an option!

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: Yeah…! Let's summon Shiva and Kama. We can do this!

Hisaya Blvd
Nagoya TV Tower

Pre-battle phone call:
Yamato: It's me. You're in Nagoya at the moment, right?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Good. Tell Kujou to start dancing.

Yamato: Patience. Tell Kujou to start dancing.

Yamato: Listen. You can't let her stop dancing, no matter what happens.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ha! You're not one to be frightened by something like this. Good luck.

Yamato: Ha! I'd expect nothing less. I'll pray for your safety.


Yamato: …Wonderful. You've captured Kama.

Fumi: Hey, Chief. Now we have both of them.

Yamato: Admirably done. Now, stand down. I'll take it from here.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: If we're to use Pasupata on Alioth, then one of us must take Kama to Sapporo.

Yamato: Hahaha! That's rather rude, don't you think? Kama must be in Sapporo if we are to use Pasupata on Alioth.

Yamato: Even if Kama's escort manages to avoid being burned by Shiva's Pasupata attack, they may be crushed by the falling Alioth… Hibiki, feel like volunteering?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Your bravery shines through. Still, I ask that you leave this task to me.

Yamato: Hahaha! A wise choice. I cannot afford to lose you now.

Airi: Won't that just put you in danger, Chief?

Yamato: Yes. And…?

Airi: And that's… dangerous!

Yamato: Are you concerned about my well-being?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! You're being rather compassionate. However, there is no need.

Yamato: Hahaha! Good, I expected as much.

Yamato: Ah, so that's what worries you. Perhaps I should be disappointed?

Yamato: There are some in JP's who do not think well of my decisions. I cannot blame them, as they do not yet understand. I am not some brainless twit lounging on my throne. Perhaps now is the right time to show them… Enough chatter, it's time. I will depart for Sapporo immediately. I need each of you to be ready for action at a moment's notice. That is all. Dismissed.


Makoto: Sako, here. How can I help you, Chief?

Yamato: I heard there was an attack on the Tsuutenkaku. Have the perpetrators been dealt with?

Makoto: The attacker escaped, but the tower is secure.

Yamato: Well done. Is Hibiki there with you?

Makoto: Yes. We had to borrow his help for this one.

Yamato: I thought so. The preparations for Sapporo are complete. The operation is ready to begin.

Makoto: Understood. I'll tell the others.

Hisaya Blvd
Nagoya TV Tower

Your phone rings…

Yamato: Hibiki, is Shiva prepared?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Great. We'll go ahead with our plan, then.

Yamato: All we require is Shiva to be with you. Then we can go ahead with our plan.

Yamato: Alright, good work, Hibiki. Now, watch it all unfold.

Sapporo Blvd

Yamato: Now do you understand? There is only one way you can be saved.

Kama: Not a chance! If I shoot Shiva, he's gonna kill me!

Yamato: Hmph… My apologies. Let me explain the situation once more, as you don't seem to grasp it.

Kama: Hey… Wait! Hold on, child of man, whoa! What kind of demon are you!?

Yamato: I am in no mood for negotiation. It is your choice.

Kama: Uh… Huh… First, I need to know one thing. Shiva's gonna be really ticked off. Will you protect me?

Yamato: Of course. If I can be of service, I'll do what I can.

Kama: Hm… Fine, I'll do it. Might as well get it over and done with.

Yamato: We're counting on you. Please, shoot at Shiva. He should be in Nagoya at the moment.

Kama: Psh… I'm Kama! I could pick Shiva out of a crowd at a distance with my eyes closed.

Yamato: Oh, good for you. I'll let you get on it.

Kama: Hrrrrnnngh! Oooooh! Darnitshivawhereareyoooou! Got him! Shiva's at the Nagoya TV Tower. Onwards! To a new world of love and passion!

Yamato: …Are you done?

Kama: Yup! And now… we wait.

Yamato: Status update, now.

JP's Agent: Chief Hotsuin! The projectile's course is 99% accurate. ETA: 30 seconds.

Yamato: Alright. Seems like it's going to go well. All agents, fall back!

Kama: Buh!? W-Wait… You said you'd protect me!

Yamato: And I will. We shall protect Japan, and your memory, once you are gone. Farewell, Kama. Take pride in knowing you will become this nation's foundation.

Kama: You said you'd protect me!

After Alioth is shot down: Your phone rings…

Yamato: Well done. Pasupata was a direct hit on Alioth, precisely as planned.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Yes. Alioth crashed on Sapporo, taking out the TV Tower in the process.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Don't be so hasty. Its outer shell stores an immense amount of toxin. That toxin is currently seeping out from its ruptured shell. Sapporo is a biohazard zone.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Our analysis shows these toxins to be gaseous. They won't linger in one area for long. Soon, the gas will disperse to a level where humans can survive in the area. Once that happens we shall take the terminal to Sapporo and strike at Alioth's core!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I expect much from you. Good luck.

Yamato: Hahaha! Like it or not, there's no tomorrow for us if we don't. I expect much from you.

Ten 7 Mall

Yamato is searching around the city with a fierce look on his face…

Yamato: Oh, it's you. I didn't think to encounter you here.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Yes, it's been quite a while since I was out among society. I'm scouting the potential in civilians, to see if there are more like you.

Yamato: Testing a hypothesis. I was looking for other civilians. I thought perhaps I might find more like you.

Yamato: It seems to have been for naught. A waste of time… They are frightened, fleeing, hiding in hopes that danger will pass, like small animals. Hmph… What was I thinking? Huh?

A middle-aged man runs up to the two of you…

Bald Man: Ah, gentlemen, what timing! O lucky day!

Yamato: Who are you?

Bald Man: This batch just finished cooking. Would you like some? It's simply divine!

Yamato: Is this… made of carbohydrates?

Bald Man: Business has gone dry, as you can see. So I used the very last of my ingredients. This… is my masterpiece!

Yamato: I do not require your civilian hospitality.

Bald Man: No, no… I insist. Young men like you need to eat! Enjoy, I'll see ya around! Hahaha!

The man forces a plate of takoyaki into Yamato's hands and leaves…

Yamato: What… is this, exactly, Hibiki?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Is this something you people eat? It looks… dubious at best.

Yamato: "Junk food"… inexpensive and convenient. I have heard of such things.

Yamato: Ha! The High King? A lofty claim. Perhaps you simply do not know any better.

Yamato: No matter. I have no use for civilian foodstuffs.

Yamato glares down at the takoyaki with cold eyes…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: It's not exactly the most appetizing thing.

Yamato: So you say. It is difficult to… trust it.

Yamato is indecisive…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hm… Alright, alright. If you are so committed, I will try one. Only to broaden my horizons!

Yamato raises a piece of takoyaki to his mouth…

Yamato: Ridiculous… Silly thing… A vulgar food… What!? Wh-What on Earth!?

Yamato shovels the takoyaki into his mouth, devouring one after the other…

Yamato: ……

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato smiles slightly…

Yamato: You… are a strange one, Hibiki. You defy my predictions, know this unknown world, and constantly surprise me. *chuckle* I've never met anyone who so betrayed my expectations. It seems I was correct in my judgment. Perhaps, with you… hm…

Yamato walks away…

Osaka H.Q.

Yamato: Hibiki, you've defeated Alioth. Good work.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I'm sure it was quite powerful. It was the fifth, after all.

Yamato: Hahaha! You are something unique. We're on the fifth one, and you've yet to break a sweat.

Yamato: Now… I've prepared a feast for you tonight. It's the least I could do. I'll be waiting at headquarters around 1800. I shall invite the others myself. Farewell.

Osaka H.Q.

Familiar faces are gathered at the entrance…

Airi: Hey, Hibiki! Over here!

Hibiki Kuze:

Airi: Yeah, this place is packed. I think nearly everyone's here.

Airi: I don't think he's shown up. At least, I haven't seen him.

Airi: Huh? Alright, I guess.

Daichi: Hibiki! Looks like you're the last to arrive. It's kinda weird for you to be late.

Io: Hi, Hibiki! It feels odd having a JP's dinner party, huh?

Keita: Yo, Kuze. The Chief still ain't here. If he's gonna feed us, he better show soon.

Jungo: I'm excited for food, too. Should I make some chawanmushi?

Hinako: Oh, look who showed up! Hey, you!

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: The Chief throwing a dinner party? What's this all about? Um… Are you gonna ask him about Fukuoka?

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: Yeah… We may have a fight on our hands, depending on how he reacts.

Hinako: Really? I guess it all depends on how things go. It may end up in a friendly, after-dinner throw down.

Hinako: Black scar, creepy void, Fukuoka? Ringing any bells?

Hinako: Hotsuin's the kind of guy who'll do anything to achieve his goals… Tread lightly, okay?

Yamato: It would seem everyone has arrived. I'm sorry to call you all here. I know you're busy.

Joe: Oooh… Has it started already? Time for Joe to fade into the shadows.

Yamato: Thanks to all of you, today we defeated Alioth! In celebration I have had a dinner prepared.

Makoto: Chief Hotsuin… a moment, if you'll allow.

Yamato: Go ahead, Sako.

Makoto: Forgive my impertinence, but there is something I must report first.

Yamato: Yes…?

Makoto: I… have committed what amounts to treason against JP's. To prevent any more distrust within our organization, I ask that you punish me accordingly.

Yamato: Punish you? Hahaha!

Makoto: Ch-Chief Hotsuin?

Yamato: Agent Sako, don't tell me you're referring to showing the tamers around Fukuoka.

Makoto: Y-Yes, Sir… I was.

Yamato: Hahaha! Let it go. It is a trivial thing, inconsequential in the long run.

Makoto: But… Sir, I disobeyed a direct order!

Yamato: Silence! Don't make me repeat myself. It will only confuse them further. My apologies. Let us resume the dinner party.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Are you upset? Whatever for? Your knowledge or ignorance won't change what's happening to this world.

Yamato: Because it wasn't necessary that you knew. What other reason could there be? Learning of it hasn't changed what's happening to this world.

Yamato: Ah… It seems you haven't revealed all of your cards yet either. I applaud you. I didn't think anyone would manage to uncover that file.

Daichi: What's that supposed to mean?

Yamato: I knew all along. Listen, and I'll tell you the rest, if you wish… The chief culprit behind the fall of this world is known as Polaris.

Hinako: Who the heck is that? What's this Polaris got against us that we have to be annihilated!?

Yamato: She thinks that humanity goes against the order she envisions. So she is attempting to destroy mankind. Those Septentriones are only her pawns.

Airi: Th-That's just stupid! We should just go destroy Polaris then!

Jungo: Airi's right. I'll beat Polaris. It doesn't matter how tough.

Yamato: Impossible. Polaris knows all and sees all. Defeating her is rather far-fetched. Even if we were to defeat Polaris, what would become of this world? Do you think mankind can carry on as before in this ruined, devastated world?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: It's simple. I shall rebuild this world anew.

Keita: Come again? Rebuild the what?

Yamato: Precisely as it sounds. I will revive this world under a new order. The old system that's been in place until now will no longer be required. Only the wise, the informed, and the powerful are worthy of life! The dregs are not. I hereby declare my intention: to create a world wholly based on merit!

Io: Revive the world… How?

Joe: Based on merit? Yeesh, sounds pretty out there.

Everyone around you is stirring…

Yamato: I won't force anyone to follow me. Even if I must go alone, I will carry out my goals.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Do you doubt me? I'm not surprised, even you couldn't figure this out. Enjoy your meal everyone. And think things over carefully…

Yamato leaves…

Daichi: H-Hey! Wait a sec!

Io: He's gone… Yamato knew the whole time…

Hinako: The hell!? He just says his piece and leaves?

Airi: Now I'm really mad! Who does that!? He knew everything right from the start!

Joe: Looks that way. How did Yamato know all that stuff?

Daichi: That's… a good question. He wants to revive the world… How's he gonna do that? Is that even possible?

Hibiki Kuze:

Keita: What about the rest of the JP's mooks? Would they know something?

Makoto: This is the first I've heard of anything like this from Chief Hotsuin. I'm sorry…

Airi: No way…! He was hiding it from JP's too!?

Fumi: Ha! Of course he was. There's all sorts of stuff only the Chief knows about JP's. To claim he can revive the world though… Well, it is the Chief, so he must have solid evidence.

Hibiki Kuze:

Otome: Possibly… Polaris is the one trying to destroy the world, right?

Otome: Who knows…? Polaris is the one trying to destroy the world, yeah?

Otome: Chief Hotsuin said this Polaris was "all-knowing"… If that's the case, it's probably deeply involved with the world's revival.

Io: What should we do…? We don't know anything. The world's still in ruins… Are we left with no choice but to cooperate…?

Hibiki Kuze:

Jungo: Hibiki… I don't know what to do. What do we do?

Airi: It's bad, but I think we should do what Chief Hotsuin said and think hard about this…

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving…

Sankyu Line

Yamato: Now this looks interesting. Is it fun to play around with imbeciles?

Angry Man: What!? Who the hell're you!?

Yamato takes his phone out and does the demon summoning equivalent of firing a gun at someone's feet.

Desperate Man: Waaah!

Yamato: Silence! The next time you speak without my permission, I will kill you.

Angry Man: Ngh…!

Yamato: Good, you can follow simple orders. Now, leave.

Angry Man: Ngh… Dammit!

Yamato: Problem solved.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Truly? You and I are safe. None of them are so much as injured.

Yamato: Hahaha! Don't be so suspicious. I just happened to stop by.

Yamato: This can't be the first time you've seen what humanity becomes without a hierarchy…? I see potential in you. You're different from anyone else I've ever known. I won't force you into my ideals, but think logically. I know you will come to the same conclusion.

Osaka H.Q.

Yamato: How good of you to come, Hibiki. I was expecting you.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: It seems you know why I am here. I have something I wish to discuss.

Yamato: I want to speak with you. You know why.

Yamato: Hahaha! Very comical. I would balk at any less.

Yamato: You understand my ideals, don't you?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Clever as always. I want you, now more than ever.

Yamato: I am unsure if you are playing the fool or truly asking. You're difficult to read. This concerns my new world. One based on merit.

Yamato: I'll not mince words. Be my right hand. Your achievements leave no doubt in my mind as to your talents. With all your natural ability, how did you remain hidden for so long? *sigh* It is not worth considering. It's because the old society was structured poorly. They force mediocrity on those with true gifts, and treat them as any other imbecile. Then they have the gall to call it "right"! That's the reality of the old society. Stupidity to its very core. You feel it, don't you? The foolishness? The arrogance?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: As you should.

Yamato: Has your potential been numbed by your emotions?

Yamato: That broken society is gone. There is nothing blocking your path now. From now on, if you stay with me, your talents will be allowed to thrive. It is for your good and the good of all the word. This, I believe. Think about it. I'll be waiting.

Yamato gives you a hard stare and walks away…

From: Yamato
Subject: Message

It's barely worth my time, but let me tell you about those humans who were fighting each other.

It's happening in all the cities that still remain. For example, I just heard that some scum were killing each other in Nagoya.

Isn't it only rational to allow these bottom-feeders to die off? That will leave only the best and brightest.

It's your decision.

He attached a photo of civilians fighting each other.


Tokyo Branch

You find Io speaking to Yamato…

Yamato: Yes, Nitta? What do you want?

Io: Er… I-I wanted to ask you something. Why did you, um…

Yamato: I've seen this for some time now. You are wise and open-minded, Nitta, but rather poor at relationships. It is a noticeable defect.

Io: S-Sorry, I'll try to keep that in mind.

Yamato: So long as you understand. Now, what do you want? Keep it brief, please.

Io: Wh-Why did you say those things when you know they could cause a split?

Yamato: Hahaha! A split? How very amusing. I assume you mean my speech about the meritocracy.

Io: Wh-What's so funny? You… You hide things from people, make them angry and scared! How is that funny?

Yamato: Silence, girl. It is not required that you understand. Think what you will.

Io: Why do you say things like that? If you were nicer, people would be more understanding.

Yamato: I don't doubt it. That is how the world rotted in the first place.

Io: What…!? Rotted?

Yamato: Nitta, you must be quite happy with the status quo. All your good intentions and sincere endeavors will never succeed over self-interest. No one takes the long view. Any civility man maintains is only to prevent the loss of social benefits. Those dregs are worthless! They rise up while the worthy are crushed underfoot! What is the point in such a world? To be a true leader, one must jettison the past that has built up like so much filth! If no one else will do it, then I must. I'll fight to the bitter end, even if I stand alone!

Io: But… I…! E-Excuse me!

Io rushes from the room…

Yamato: Now then. You're here, aren't you, Hibiki?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! You knew I noticed your presence, didn't you?

Yamato: *sigh* How flippant. You knew that I noticed your presence, didn't you?

Yamato: Oh, is that one yours? Pardon me for saying so, but she seems to lack discipline.

Yamato: I can see the pawns have begun to think. Now, the question is: What conclusion will they reach?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: The fool in Nagoya? He is trivial. If he gets in my way, I will crush him. That is all.

Yamato: Indeed it will. But regardless of what anyone thinks, I'll not waver from this path.

Yamato: No matter how desperately they struggle, only one world can be made. Only one world is worthy of being made. Those filth waste their lives propping each other up. If they cannot agree to my merit system, then I will gladly sacrifice every last one for my ideal. I do respect you. I won't force you to my side, but I hope you will consider this carefully.

Yamato gracefully salutes before leaving…

Pre-event phone call
Your phone rings…

Yamato: Hello? It's Yamato Hotsuin.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: My apologies, but I'd like to call upon your help.

Yamato: Hm? Not necessarily. I'd like to call upon your help.

Yamato: A surprisingly serious situation has arisen. You seem the best suited to handling it.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Don't be quite so anxious. That's not what I meant.

Yamato: I'm glad, but… my meaning was a bit different.

Yamato: How to explain…? This is… something my personality would make difficult to handle.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Head for the Festival Gate. You'll understand once you arrive.

The call ends…

Osaka H.Q.

You find Yamato speaking with some familiar faces…

Yamato: Is that what this is about? I have no reason to answer.

Hinako: Hey, wait right there! This Mizar thing is really dangerous.

Airi: Yeah! You've got that secret weapon whatever at the Metropolitan Building, right? We can stop it if we use that!

Yamato: I realize this, but I cannot allow it. Hm? Ah, of course. Are they here at your bidding?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Brilliant! You've gotten better at manipulating your pawns.

Yamato: I see. They're acting on conclusions they've leapt to with incomplete data.

Yamato: Still, I am surprised you found the magic circle without me escorting you to it.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Is that so? Then was it Kuriki who supplied you the information?

Yamato: Hm… You did come to me on your own. I suppose I should repay that respect somehow.

Yamato: Let me ask you then: Are you certain you want to use that magic circle now?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: There is much risk involved. My family uses that circle to harness the Dragon Stream. I told you that a barrier powered by the Dragon Stream protects Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. Using the magic circle will deplete its power, causing the three barriers to collapse.

Airi: They'll collapse…!? Wh-What'll happen to those cities?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That's right. They'll be swallowed up, every man, beast, and object.

Yamato: It's simple. They'll be swallowed up, every man, beast, and object.

Io: Then our victory against Mizar would be Pyrrhic at best…

Yamato: Indeed. That's why I didn't use the magic circle for the earlier crises.

Daichi: What're we gonna do!? If we don't take down Mizar, we're still doomed!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! I see no other countermeasure against Mizar.

Yamato: Mmm… I doubt it. At the least, I see no other countermeasure against Mizar.

Yamato: Now do you fully understand? I ask you again: Do you wish to use the magic circle?

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: Th-There's no other way, is there? Then there's no question about it! Right, guys!?

Hinako: There's no other way, though! We don't really have much of a choice.

Airi: That won't solve anything! The Void will still swallow up the whole world!

Joe: This is a toughie. Damned if you do, damned slightly quicker if you don't.

Makoto: If we don't defeat Mizar, the world will be destroyed. But using the magic circle will doom us too. Either way, we're just postponing the inevitable.

Fumi: The question is, how long of a postponement are we talking about? Chief, if the barriers were to collapse, how much longer would the world have before the Void swallowed everything?

Yamato: That is something else to consider. Without the barrier, the Void will swallow the cities. However, there will be a slight reprieve before their complete disappearance.

Jungo: Reprieve? What do you mean?

Yamato: The Void's encroachment is gradually increasing. It would only be days before Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya all return to nothing. Yet, if Polaris meets with someone to create a new world before then, crisis averted.

Otome: Oh! That means we're cutting down our own deadline…

Yamato: That is correct. The barriers have their limits, but they should last as long as the towers still stand. By using the magic circle, though, the barriers will collapse and hasten the world's decline.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Best case scenario, about three days. Worst case, one.

Yamato: Haha! Don't worry. At best, three days and at worst, one.

Io: Just one day…? An outside chance at three?

Yamato: Do you understand? What will you do? I'm fine either way. I don't plan to wait three days for you to decide what future to support.

Hinako: You're… You're willing to fight us if we don't step in line, aren't you?

Yamato: What a question. Of course I am. This world is like a thoroughly rotten fruit. An unsightly blossom that, though rotted, won't fall and spreads its stench still! This world is too far gone for peace. Even if I go down in history as a tyrant, the world requires a man willing to do this!

Airi: I still won't follow you, whatever you say! Maybe the world's rotten, maybe it isn't, but using that to justify your crazy merit system makes no sense!

Fumi: You're such a child! Japan is a capitalist country, you know. Except when we were supposed to be raising people based on merit, we watered it down with "human nature" and "the spirit of unity".

Joe: You got a point, but wouldn't a society based on nothing but skill just wear you out? I think it'd be nicer to live in a world where people help each other out in a jam, y'know?

Keita: Look, this isn't hard. The strong survive while the weak die off. Anyone griping about it just doesn't think they're strong enough to last.

Daichi: Hey, dudes! This isn't the time for this! We're all working for the same thing, remember!?

Otome: I don't know if that's true anymore, Daichi. The Chief has put forth his merit system and the world changed. There's no more time to quibble. If people have different opinions, they have to speak up.

Jungo: We shouldn't fight.

Io: W-Wait, right now we're talking about Mizar and how to handle the Septentriones… That threat is here. Everything else can wait!

Makoto: That's true, but defeating the Septentriones leads to changing the world. The future of the world is at stake here. We can't go forward without a unified front.

Hinako: Yeah, but why not discuss it like adults instead of fighting about it!

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: Oh…

Everyone quiets down and looks towards you…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I concur. Debate about one another's beliefs is pointless. Simply follow your own.

Yamato: An excellent idea. You didn't come here to bicker, did you?

Yamato: Listen well. Using the magic circle will hasten the Void's encroachment considerably. Not using it, however, will allow Mizar's spawn to smother the world today. Make your choice! Is anyone opposed to defeating Mizar!?

Airi: ……

Hinako: ……

No one seems willing to raise an objection…

Hibiki Kuze:

Io: Even if the barrier stays up… I don't think there's another way to defeat Mizar. The world will be destroyed even if the Void doesn't swallow it…

Fumi: That's our only option. There won't be a tomorrow if we lose today.

Daichi: R-Right! Everything after that… We'll figure something out.

Keita: The dumbass is right! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I've got a bone to pick with Mizar.

Jungo: I'll help. We'll beat Mizar and meet Polaris.

Makoto: No objections here. Don't worry, we can do this!

Yamato: Now then, there are two things you must do in order to use the magic circle. First, we must pull out the stakes. Each tower has one. The stakes resonate with the towers to channel the Dragon Stream. So before we use the magic circle, all three must be pulled out. Once we remove the stakes, the barriers will crumble and the Dragon Stream will be under my command.

Otome: That's the step that causes the barriers to collapse? The one that reduces our time limit?

Yamato: And from that point on, the Void will accelerate its spread.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Naturally, but there is a second step.

Yamato: Hahaha, patience. I was getting to that.

Yamato: Once we pull the stakes, the Dragon Stream must be given form. It's a tricky process.

Airi: Hold up…! What's it gonna turn into?

Yamato: Why, a dragon, of course.

Daichi: Like, with scales and wings and flamey breath? You serious!?

Yamato: Always. The energy will become a dragon to devour Mizar.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Now you see the true power of the Hotsuin clan!

Yamato: Hahaha! So impatient. I was getting to that.

Yamato: A certain key is needed to activate the circle and give the Dragon Stream form.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: It's a demon. The circle will activate upon gaining the power of the demon set as its key.

Yamato: The key I speak of isn't one that can be tucked away somewhere. It's a demon. The circle will activate upon gaining the power of the demon set as its key.

Hinako: So this is kinda like what we did with Shiva.

Yamato: Something along those lines. Of course, there's a problem this time. Remember how we cut power to Tokyo Tower in order to send Alioth towards Sapporo?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Tokyo sustained some damage to that exposure.

Yamato: *sigh* Please try to keep up. I recall telling you Tokyo would sustain some damage.

Yamato: The area where out demon is sealed was probably affected by the Void's encroachment. Being one with the land, the demon slumbering there has probably also been damaged himself.

Io: D-Does that mean we can't resurrect this demon? Then what do we do?

Yamato: Like as not, the only way to supplement the lost aspect of its being is for someone to act as a medium. We will review potential candidates. Luckily, we have your data from the physicals.

Hinako: Are you serious!? You're gonna pry into our exam records? Perv!

Yamato: What a base accusation. I have no interest in your paltry measurements. I'll make the preparations. You'll receive instructions later.

Yamato leaves…

Hinako: Whew, he's finally gone. Thanks, by the way. You really helped!

Io: Yeah… He wouldn't even give us the time of day before you arrived.

Airi: Finally, we might have a way to beat Mizar! …Although, there's a catch.

Hinako: Yeah, the stakes. This could end up biting us in the ass.

Io: Mmhm… After they're removed we'll have three days to meet Polaris… at most.

Airi: So that's the deadline. We gotta up the tempo.

Hinako: In that case, let's get ready to go tear up those stakes! I doubt it's gonna be easy.

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving…

Osaka H.Q.

You arrive at the Osaka branch to pull out the Dragon Stream's stakes…

Makoto: There you are. Everyone else has already gathered.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I'm right here. The teams have been assigned. We await only you.

Yamato: We've already handled it. We await only you.

Hinako: Hey, it's the Chief. Is this operation ready to go?

Yamato: This is the point of no return. Once we begin, all barriers will be lost. There is no turning back. Are you prepared?

Airi: Prepared or not, there's no other way. We've gotta do it.

Daichi: Hehehe, I guess you're right. We gotta do this.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Alright, let's begin the operation. There are three towers that need stakes pulled up. We'll form three teams to cover them. We can't predict what will happen, so the teams are based on complementary strengths. First is Shijima, Nitta, Akie, and Sako. They will act as Team Tokyo. Next is Kujou, Wakui, and Yanagiya. They will form Team Osaka. Lastly, Ban, Kanno, and Torii will serve as Team Nagoya. The question is… Which team will you lead? Tokyo, Osaka or Nagoya?

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Score! You woulda missed me, huh? Be honest!

Io: Thank goodness… I feel much better knowing you'll be with us.

Joe: Fantastic! Having you along sure is a load off my mind.

Makoto: You know how important this operation is, we cannot fail.

Yamato: Very well. The makeup of Team Tokyo has been decided.

Hinako: Good call! Let's show 'em how it's done!

Keita: Hey. Don't get in my way, huh?

Otome: Are we on the same team? Excellent. Hehe!

Yamato: Very well. That settles the makeup of Team Osaka.

Airi: Tagging along with Team Nagoya, eh? Wonderful!

Fumi: We'll do this in no time.

Jungo: So you picked my team, huh? Great.

Yamato: Very well. That settles the makeup of Team Nagoya.

Yamato: Your team will be our main force. Proceed directly to the source of the Dragon Stream, Mt. Fuji's crater. Take the terminal there and use this code at the stake's control center. I'll tell you about removing the stake once you arrive. The rest of you will get your instructions en route. Now, move out!

Mt. Fuji Crater

Your phone rings…

Yamato: It's me. Have you arrived safely?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I'm sure you are. This is what you wanted; I suggest you grit you teeth and get through it.

Yamato: I called to tell you precisely that.

Yamato: Observe the lowest level of the facility. Can you see part of the stake that's been driven into the ground? There are a few steps to uproot that stake. We must activate the terminal on the far side. I've just sent the codes to your phones. Once you activate the terminal, you'll gain access to the stake. You'll then need to send the codes to the stake from three locations, in a set order. The next location will be specified each time you send a code. Once all three have been sent, the stake will be deactivated. Be careful. The power of the Dragon Stream is already attracting demons. As you remove the stake, even more demons will begin to appear. Perhaps more than we're prepared for. Be on your guard.

Yamato: Good work out there. The stakes in the Dragon Stream have been pulled. We're ready for the next step.

Keita: About time! I'm looking forward to getting even with that Mizar.

Yamato: That is the end goal, yes. One last thing… As expected, the barriers protecting the three cities have collapsed. Without barriers, they will be swallowed by the Void and disappear completely.

Daichi: Hrgh… We cut our time limit to the bone.

Joe: Sure did. Well, there wasn't anything else we could've done.

Yamato: That's right. There's no time left for philosophical debate. The time for hesitation is long since past. I will eliminate any who do not share my vision. Decide whether you will follow me or be erased. Tonight may be your last chance to choose.

Daichi: Ngh…

Airi: ……

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I'd rather not waste precious time here. Let's proceed to the next step.

Airi: Oh, right… That key thing?

Yamato: Yes, the goal is to change the Stream's energy into a dragon capable of dealing with Mizar. The first step, extracting the stakes from the Dragon Stream, has been completed. Now we must resurrect the demon who is the key to activating the magic circle.

Daichi: I remember now… The "key" demon needs a medium, right?

Yamato: It does. We have determined the best candidate for the job from your health exam results.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Before I inform you, there is something you must know. Do not be alarmed.

Yamato: *sigh* Does being a pest come naturally to you? That's the least of your worries.

Yamato: To put it bluntly, acting as a demon's medium is never safe. In this case, the demon has lost some of its essence to the Void. I cannot guarantee the survival of the one who will act as medium.

Jungo: They might not be okay?

Airi: N-No…! That's…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: What do you propose to do about it? I don't mind ending this here and now. Either way, the barriers that once defended our cities are already gone.

Yamato: Hahaha… I'm proud. A true commander can make the necessary sacrifices.

Hinako: Hold on, let me ask you something. You did pick a medium for how well-suited they were, right?

Yamato: What other factors are there to consider?

Hinako: Just so long as you didn't pick someone because they disagree with you. I'd hate to think you tampered with the selection to send someone you won't miss.

Yamato: Oh, I see. Hahaha! Unfortunately, that wouldn't work. It's rare to find one who would serve so well as a medium. You can see the results if you like. In the end, there was only one viable candidate. As I said, I am only going along with your idea. If you want to back out, feel free.

Otome: Hinako… He's telling the truth. It's hard to find people with that kind of aptitude. I'll back him on that.

Hinako: Alright. No hard feelings, then. Everyone's okay with that?

Hinako is looking around at everyone's faces…

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Y-Yeah. I promise not to hold a grudge.

Daichi: Y-You're right… Everyone's scared.

Yamato: If there are no objections, take Nitta to Miyashita Park. I'll send you the seal code.

Io: *gasp*

Airi: W-Wait! What did you just say?

Yamato: I told you to take Io Nitta and head to Miyashita Park.

Daichi: What…? No! You're joking, right!?

Hinako: No way! Io's the only candidate?

Io: I… I…!

Io runs off…

Makoto: Ah--Wait, Nitta!

Fumi: Hm…

Yamato: She fled… Well, no matter. Unless she's entirely brainless, she'll be there. The demon Lugh is the key to the Dragon Stream. He's sealed in the park. Prepare yourself and head straight there. You'll receive further instruction en route.

You leave the area amidst a cloud of unrest…

Miyashita Park

Your phone rings…

Yamato: Did you successfully unseal Lugh?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Excellent. Preparations are complete on my end as well.

Yamato: Ha! I shouldn't have been, given your past performance. Well timed. Preparations are complete on my end as well.

Yamato: Come to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building around 1830 hours. It's time we awakened the power of the Dragon Stream.

Fumi: Oooh, getting personal calls from the Chief, are we? What'd he say?

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: You shouldn't joke like that. Someone's bound to take it seriously.

Hinako: The Metropolitan Building? So the danger hasn't passed…

Airi: I-It'll be fine! No matter what happens, we'll keep Io safe!

Io: Thanks… I'll be okay. I have all of you with me, after all!

Makoto: Alright. We'll meet at the Metropolitan Building when the time comes. Stay safe, Nitta.

Io: Oh… Yes, of course.

You all leave, still concerned about Io…

Metropolitan Plaza

Yamato approaches you. It seems he was waiting up ahead…

Yamato: Good, you're here. My end of the preparations are complete. Shall we begin?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Alright… Let's go. The others are ready for combat as well.

Yamato: They're all ready. Shall we be off?

Yamato: Is everyone ready? Nitta, come to the center of the plaza.

Io: Oh, okay…

Airi: Wait! This place…

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: This is the place from the death video! There's no mistaking it.

Io: What…? Th-Then I'm going to die here…?

Yamato: What? Are you afraid? It's too late to stop. The Dragon Stream's seal has been shattered. Mizar is before us. We can't stop now.

Io: No… I'm okay. I'm ready. Uh, so… like this?

Yamato: Yes, you must stay there during the ritual, no matter what. Move, and all this will be wasted. The rest of you stay here and protect Nitta. Alright?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I have faith in you. Nevertheless, good luck, you're going to need it…

Yamato: I'm going to the magic circle to perform the ritual. Good luck, you'll need it…

Daichi: I'm sorry, d-did he say we'd "need" luck? …I got a bad feelin' about this.

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: This may just be a guess, but it's about to get tough…

Makoto: I concur.

Daichi: What!? M-Makoto do you know what's going on?

Makoto: Well, I haven't been told anything, but I have been with JP's longer than you all. When the Chief talks like that… It's likely this ritual is going to be very dangerous.

Io: Aaah!

A summoning circle appears beneath Io's feet, and she floats above it.

Your phone rings…

Yamato: Can you hear me? I'm going to connect Nitta's energy to Lugh's and open the Stream. You probably already know, but the overflow of power will attract demons. You must protect Nitta until the ritual is complete. No matter what. That is all. Fight well.

Mid-battle, after the first turn:
Your phone rings…

Yamato: …Can you hear me? The burden of the ritual will cause harm to Nitta. You must monitor her condition and heal her when you can.

Yamato: She is approximately 20% synchronized with Lugh. We need more time.

Yamato: She is currently 40% synchronized with Lugh. Bear with me.

Yamato: She's at 60% synchronicity with Lugh. Good, continue your current tactics.

Yamato: She is 80% synchronized with Lugh. We're nearly there.

Daichi: Oh yeah! We kept Io safe and everything! So… now what?

Your phone rings…

Yamato: Can you all hear me? Fall back from the area. I repeat, fall back! Retreat.

Daichi: What!? B-But we can't leave Io!

Io: This is… Lugh!? His power is… overwhelming! With this power… I can do it!

Makoto: …E-Everyone, retreat!

Jungo: Mizar's holding on to the dragon…! Can the dragon still swallow it?

Your phone rings…

Yamato: Can you hear me, Hibiki?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Good. The Dragon Stream has transformed and is attempting to devour Mizar.

Yamato: Hahaha! Don't be so hasty. The Dragon Stream has become a dragon to devour Mizar.

Yamato: Mizar is clinging to the building. You must ascend it and tear off its tentacles. We're not in any particular hurry, but the Stream cannot maintain this form forever. Find the right moment and head to the building to finish Mizar.

Metropolitan Plaza

Yamato approaches. It seems he was waiting for you…

Yamato: Ah, I've been waiting for you. Mizar is above. I assume you're prepared? Then let's ascend to the roof.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Very well. Do not let your guard down.

Yamato: The greater one's ability, the more obstacles they must face. For now, at least.

Your phone rings…

Yamato: We have a problem. The Dragon Stream is fading faster than expected. You must finish this fight as soon as possible.

Your cell phone rings…

Yamato: Can you all hear me? Mizar has been completely eliminated. You have won.

Daichi: Seriously? Hells yeah! We did it!

Keita: Haha! That'll teach you to mess with me, ya miserable Mizar!

Yamato: Haha, Hibiki… First of all, well done. The pawns may be celebrating, but surely you understand. Time is short. I was just informed that Yokohama City was swallowed by the Void and that's not the only one…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Yes, the Void wasn't growing at the same speed in all directions you see.

Yamato: You have a valid point. It's very close. The Void was never expanding at the same speed in all directions.

Yamato: The barriers' collapse has triggered steady incursion by the Void. There is no more time. I will begin gathering allies to wipe out the other factions! I don't know if you will side with me or not, but I have high expectations, Hibiki.

Tokyo Branch

Familiar faces have gathered. They're discussing something…

Io: Hi, Hibiki. Thank goodness, we were waiting for you.

Daichi: What's up, Hibiki? You've got some great timing.

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: We're talking about what to do from here on. We wanted to hear your opinion.

Hinako: Oh, c'mon. We're just talking about what to do from here on out.

Airi: Even after putting our heads together, we're getting nowhere.

Joe: Hahaha! Yeah, we're not talking about what we think so much as yelling about it.

Fumi: I said from the start that this would be useless.

Hibiki Kuze:

Jungo: Not fighting. Just not agreeing.

Jungo: Mmhm. It's important… Hard to decide.

Otome: True… We all come from different backgrounds, so our values don't quite mesh.

Keita: Talking in circles like this is pointless and boring. Let's just finish it with our fists!

Yamato: Well, well, what have we here? A meeting of the masses?

Makoto: Chief Hotsuin!

Yamato: Ah, you're here too? Then this is a good opportunity to announce something.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! For me it is neither good, nor bad. Listen to me, all of you. Earlier, I spoke to you of my ideal world. Since then, I accounted for your feelings and allowed time for reflection. However, in the aftermath of Mizar's attack, the barriers are down. The world is out of time. From this moment, I am marshaling all of my forces towards the rebuilding of this world.

Daichi: Whoa, hang on! You mean, like, right now!?

Yamato: You knew this would happen. There is no point in further debate. My desire is to rebuild the world. Look at the big picture. Your hesitation is insignificant.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: No, you're too soft. Don't be so absorbed in one soldier that you lose sight of the war.

Yamato: Hahaha! Indeed, the individual is important, but focus too much on each one and you'll lose sight of the whole scene.

Hinako: What're you gonna do with the ones who disagree?

Yamato: Nothing, provided they stay out of my way. If they cannot do that, I will kill them.

Airi: What!?

Keita: …Oh yeah? Sounds pretty simple to me.

Io: You'll kill those who won't obey you? N-No…

???: That's so like you, Hotsuin. Don't expect me to bow before your threats!

Makoto: That voice…!

Ronaldo: Yamato Hotsuin! I shall never allow your wretched ambitions to be forced upon this world!

Yamato: I have no idea who you are. Enlighten me.

Ronaldo: Wh-What!? You bastard! How dare you forget my name!

Yamato: Don't bother. There's no spotlight for you here. Go crawl back into your hole.

Ronaldo: I am Ronaldo Kuriki, the man who will put an end to you! I refuse your evil! I will slay you at all costs to create an ideal world!

Yamato: Hmph… Ideal, you say? You refer to this notion of egalitarianism?

Ronaldo: That's right! I will create a society based on equality and peace! For all mankind!

Yamato: What a fool. Equality is the ideal of the indolent. You'd enable those parasites?

Ronaldo: You're wrong! If Polaris is all-powerful, then she can change mankind, too! People suffer and toil in this dilapidated world… We need a society that ensures every man works for his fellows, and vice versa!

Yamato: Think what you will. Your foolish dream of equality isn't worth striking down.

Airi: Whoa! Wait a second! I like his idea of equality better than your dumb merit system!

Hinako: Ai, wait…!

Otome: Me, too. Family, friends, and strangers, all living in harmony…

Joe: Sounds good to me. I gotta say, Ronnie's speaking my language here.

Ronaldo: Hahaha! You see that, Hotsuin!? Not everyone here will fall in line behind you! I've no doubt that the strongest ally is mine, a heart filled with justice!

Yamato: Is that so? Alright, I'll grant you your battle. Gather you sympathizer by tonight. Tomorrow, the war will begin!

Ronaldo: Ha! Bring your best! Merit versus equality… We'll see which comes out on top!

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: H-He's right! I think that they're both, well, they're too extreme!

Yamato: Then let me ask you, Shijima: What other way are you advocating?

Daichi: M-Me!? I'm advocating, a… a path where we're not all at war with one another!

Ronaldo: Daichi, I'm sorry, but this isn't a game. The fate of the world is at stake here. You shouldn't just shout out without a real plan or ideal to put into practice.

Daichi: I-I just… Ngh…! There's not much time, but I want to find a path where we don't have to fight over this!

Hinako: Damn straight, Daichi! You said it!

Daichi: Yeah! Wait, huh? Hinako…?

Hinako: Yamato, Ronaldo! Both of you have got this all wrong! What Daichi's trying to say is that he wants a way where we won't fight to the bitter end! I'm behind that one hundred percent! If he wins, you oughta follow him!

Yamato: Hahaha! An eloquent speech. I have no objections.

Ronaldo: Me neither. I'll come at you with everything I've got.

Fumi: Uh, sorry to butt in. I hate ambiguity, so do you mind if I clear some things up? Everyone here's helped defeat a Septentrione, more or less… So it's safe to assume that any of us has the right to open the path to Polaris. And we're divided into three camps: merit, equality, and Daichi's third way, right?

Otome: That about sums it up. We'll each take sides by tonight, and tomorrow, the fighting begins.

Jungo: Um… What happens to the ones who lose?

Yamato: The more support one has, the better. Losers should cede to the victors… if they survive.

Ronaldo: No…! Even if they don't win, there's no need to force people into a belief they do not hold. We'll leave it up to the individual, but at the very least, they should have to back down from the contest.

Daichi: Alright, are we all agreed on the rules? Losing teams will be disbanded. They can follow the winning team or not, it's up to them.

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Yeah. No hard feelings alright? No matter who wins!

Ronaldo: This isn't a pointless fight. We're hashing out who'll decide the fate of the world!

Yamato: What nonsense… I'm leaving.

Everyone departs in a tense silence…

Osaka H.Q.

You find Yamato waiting for you…

Yamato: So you've come. You're late you know.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha… Yes, you did. If you'd been swayed by the other factions' sentiments, I'd have lost a strong pawn.

Yamato: Hahaha... What cheek. Though I suppose it is worth it. You're the only one I'd be willing to wait for.

Keita: Hey, Chief. We're ready to move over here--Huh? Kuze, what're you doing here?

Makoto: Oh… I see, you wish to have him join us, Chief?

Fumi: Heh! Naturally. It's obvious from all he's achieved that he would be of great use to us.

Keita: Well, I'm not gonna deny that he's a hell of a fighter.

Yamato: Begone, fools. I'm speaking with him now. Can't you wait your turns?

Fumi: Sorry 'bout that, Chief. We'll leave this to you then.

Yamato: Now… to business. I will not take up your time with long overtures. Join me. From here in Osaka, we will work together to create a world steeped in personal merit.

You know that humans, from the moment of their birth, have never known true equality. It is as plain as day. There are countless people in the world, each and every one unique. But one's success should not be granted by lineage, nepotism, or familial ties as it is now.

Individuality must be preserved by a truly skilled person leading the foolish masses. Until now, that was simply impossible. Preposterous logic and bizarre social mores prevented such a thing. Those barriers were the foolish ideals of the powerless leaders who fear being cast down! As long as ignorant weaklings like that remain in positions of strength, do you think these wrongs will ever be righted?

But with a true power leading the way, humanity will grow strong and fear nothing! Heed me, now! You are strong. You are one of the few who may ever surpass my strength. Join hands with me now, and let us lead humanity to a true and everlasting victory!

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: Yes! Thank you, Kuze. I'm… I'm so glad we met.

Keita: Hahaha! Good call, Kuze. That's what I like to hear!

Fumi: Hello there, Hibiki. Looks like we're comrades-in-arms again, huh? We've got a ways to go, but we can do it.

Yamato: Hah… Haha… Hahaha! I've finally found someone who knows the truth as I do. I thought you'd agree. You are my right-hand. And you shall, of course, have a seat as my equal when our world rises from the ashes of the old! Tomorrow, the battle begins! We shall eliminate the opposition and open a path to Polaris! I shall have a room prepared for you at the JP's headquarters in Osaka. Rest well, my comrade. We have a big day tomorrow.

Yamato: Of course… I have nothing to gain by forcing your hand.

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving…

If you leave and come back:
You find Yamato waiting for you…

Yamato: Ah, have you decided, Hibiki? I will create a merit system. With a truly powerful leader, humankind will at last become strong. So come with me! Together, let us strive to see a bold new world rise from the dregs of this one!


Restorer/Liberator Ending

From: Yamato
Subject: Declaration

Your decision surprises me. I did not truly think you would oppose me. Perhaps you have simply let your emotions get the better of you?

Then again, I suppose it is a good opportunity for you to witness my power. You will see how right I am in leading this world to a meritocracy.


Someone suddenly calls to you from behind…

Yamato: Well, well, Hibiki. What are you doing here?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Do you take me for a monster? It's rather rude, reacting to my presence in that manner.

Yamato: The last time we spoke was when I invited you to stand at my side.

Yamato: Hahaha…! Ever the joker. Don't be so hasty…

Yamato: I heard you put down the Nagoya faction… Very well done, Hibiki. Kuriki hadn't a chance… Anyone who challenges you is a fool, save me of course.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha…! Forgive me. Could it have been my personality that drove you away?

Yamato: Hahaha! What a sharp tongue you've developed. Then again, you're more capable than he.

Yamato: I'll ask you once more, Hibiki: Won't you come with me and help me realize my meritorious world?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: How unfortunate. Then let us put an end to this… I will be waiting at the Tsuutenkaku.

Yamato leaves.

Daichi: Hibiki! *pant, pant*

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Don't "What up, Daich?" me! Wasn't that Yamato!?

Ronaldo: Hey, man--Wait, no! Wasn't that Yamato!

Daichi: What's with the friendly chat just now!? What if you'd gotten yourself killed!? What did he want, anyway? I mean, what did you say to him?

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Ngh… He sure is confident. Although, this may be our chance.

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: Think, dummy! This is way better than having him ambush us!

Daichi: This is much better than waiting for him to ambush us!

Daichi: Going up against Yamato… Man, I'm getting chills, but… we can do this!

Yamato: There you are, Hibiki… I was staring to wonder if you'd fled.

Hinako: You stupid jerk! He's not like that!

Yamato: Silence, fool! How dare you speak of him. You're Hibiki's cancer. You're the ones who corrupted him! This ends here. I will turn you all to ashes and dust to see that he comes to his senses!

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: H-He's right, Yamato! I'm begging you, stop this right now!

Daichi: What are you so calm for man!? Yamato, don't do this!

Io: Yeah! If you can leave your merit system behind, we can work together.

Yamato: Silence, pawns! You ignorant masses are all the same… You cling to people of worth and drag them down to your level, wasting their talents!

Jungo: That's not true! We're friends…! We're not dragging down anyone. You're wrong.

Yamato: I'm wrong? Speaking to those without a clear vision is a waste of time.

Io: Yamato… will never understand.

Yamato: I'll not waste my breath on you! Merely send you into death, myself!

Mid-battle, first turn:
Yamato: Mwahaha…hahaha…hhahaha…! Hibiki, why do you think I chose this place for our battleground!? The Tsuutenkaku was built to harness the power of the Dragon Stream as a barrier! Hence, all the power to activate the Dragon Stream is already inside! If those same functions are used on a human, it will strengthen their inner power tremendously!

After killing enough demons:
Yamato: I'm not finished yet! I still have some power remaining… Let's see if you can keep up!

Yamato will now act more frequently in battle…

After killing more demons:
Yamato: Hahaha! I've still got more tricks up my sleeve! I am far superior to you pawns!

Yamato will now act even more frequently in battle…

Engaging Yamato with Hibiki:
Yamato: It's unfortunate, Hibiki… If you'd allied yourself with me, I could have easily reached my goals… But that doesn't matter anymore… I will have my new world. I shall stand as the lone victor!

Upon defeat:
Yamato: Ngh… Impossible…! I've been defeated!?

Yamato leaves the area…

Daichi: Holy crap, I nearly had a heart attack! How'd Yamato get so strong…?

Hinako: Seriously! I never thought he'd be that tough. No wonder he was the Chief of JP's.

Hibiki Kuze:

Hinako: I'm with you on that one. But hey, at least we defeated Osaka and Nagoya!

Io: Mmhm. I'm glad the infighting is finally over.

Daichi: Now all that's left is Benetnasch. Ugh… I'm not looking forward to that fight.

Hibiki Kuze:

Jungo: We gotta think of something. We have to stop its attack…

Hinako: *sigh* What're we gonna do? We still haven't decided what to do with this world.

Daichi: Hm… Well, we have some time. Let's table that for now.

Hinako: Welp, no good sitting around here. C'mon, let's go!

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving…

Ebisu Bridge

You find Yamato gazing up at the sky…

Yamato: Ah… Hibiki. So you've found me.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha… Really? How noble of you.

Yamato: To whom do you think you are speaking? I am Yamato Hotsuin. It would take far more to truly harm me.

Yamato: Who knows? Even I need a moment to myself now and again.

Yamato: Tell me… was this world a paradise for you before this calamity occurred?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Agreed. The world before this calamity was nothing but trash. Useless and pointless.

Yamato: …I see. As for myself, I saw this world as naught but refuse. Worthless and useless.

Yamato: As I thought. As for myself, this world was nothing but waste, worthless trash.

Yamato: It was rotted. The useless plebeians did as they pleased, without a damned care. I cursed my own talent and birth. For I was a Hotsuin, and we are bound to live only by sacrificing ourselves for this nation.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha… Don't misunderstand, I have no qualms about making that sacrifice for my Japan. However…

Yamato: Hahaha… a mere sophism. But no, I had no qualms in making that sacrifice for my Japan. However…

Yamato: Look at the state of this nation. This is not the country the Hotsuin have given their lives for! I was not raised to be a leader so that I could be used as a pawn of the unworthy! This is not what generations of the Hotsuin clan gave their lives for!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Oh well, yes of course. A normal person would think my ideals to be nothing but madness.

Yamato: Hahaha! So you understand. Any normal person might think my ideals to be madness.

Yamato: Yes it is! To continue to involve myself with these dregs is worse than death. I… I shall be on my way. If you ever wish to destroy this cesspit of a world, come find me.

Yamato leaves…

Yamato: But I ask you, what is "normal"? It is "common sense" planted in thought by others. Self-preservation for the weak who fear change! Worthless! Utterly worthless! So instead I chose to change this world via Polaris' invasion. What is so wrong with righting a fallen world…!?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Oh it is? Then you believe you could lead the masses as I could not?

Yamato: Ha… Now I recall why you and I can never be reconciled. Any further talk is futile. I shall leave then. If the world you create doesn't turn out to be the paradise you hope for… Come find me. We can destroy it together. Farewell.

Yamato leaves…

Yamato: Is that so? Then why do you stand before me as my enemy!?

Yamato: Listen, Hibiki, our forebears tried different methods of leading the mindless people. Each of them came to despair at the idiocy of the masses they believed in! Hear me, I shall tell you what your beloved citizenry is truly like. They are benighted fools not worth the saving! They toil endlessly in the same system, refusing revolution, until their very livelihoods are at stake. And then, only then, when brought to the very limit of their endurance, will those ignorant peasants rise up and change!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: …I still cannot find any proof in support of your confidence. Yet, you have disproved many of my assumptions this past week. You may do it again.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ha! Just as I yearned for you, now you yearn for me. Very well… My strength is yours.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato joins your party.

Yamato: Hahaha… I recall asking something similar of you once. It seems I am indebted to you now. Well then, I have some outstanding business to attend to. Go on without me for the moment.

You say your farewells to Yamato before leaving…

Osaka H.Q.

You find a member of the JP's remnant imploring Yamato…

JP's Remnant: Chief! We can't give up like this!

Yamato: ……

JP's Remnant: We can still fight… We're ready to go again! The new Japan needs us, Chief! It needs you! Just give the order!

Yamato: Stop! I am not your Chief any longer.

JP's Remnant: No! You will always be our leader! For JP's!

Yamato: Enough! I have lost. My limit has been reached. Don't make me say any more.

JP's Remnant: That's not true!

Yamato: Silence! Do you wish to shame me further? The world no longer needs JP's. Are you too blind to see that!?

JP's Remnant: Sir…

Yamato: JP's has fallen. So have we. …Now, go. Get out of here.

JP's Remnant: *sigh*

The agent's shoulders slump as he walks away…

Yamato: ……

Yamato: …You overheard? If things are to be done right, then I must disappear along with JP's. Yet, there is so much I still need to do…

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That is your task. It does not require me.

Yamato: Were you not listening? JP's is no longer necessary. You proved that.

Yamato: Yes… I will lend my strength to your ideals.

Yamato: I must ensure that you create a good world. Heh… Surprised? I only fought you because I want what is best for this world. I want to see whether a world even better than my own ideals will unfold. That is my final task as head of the Hotsuin clan… no. My first task, as myself. Until then, I shall fight alongside you. Do not disappoint me.

Yamato walks away quietly…

Ebisu Bridge

A man lying on the ground is talking to Yamato…

Dying Man: H-Hey… Do you… Do you think I'll survive?

Yamato: Ngh…

Dying Man: Be honest… I'm not gonna make it, am I?

Yamato: Probably not. Frankly, I'm astonished you're still breathing.

Dying Man: Hahaha! *cough* You sure don't beat around the bush… Well, ask a stupid question…

Yamato: Was it… a demon?

Dying Man: Yeah… Hey, kid…? Can you look in my pocket?

Yamato: Huh…?

Yamato searches the man's pockets, and turns up a piece of candy.

Yamato: What's this?

Dying Man: I wanted to give that… to my daughter. I guess that's impossible now. So… I'm giving it to you. Heh… I-I know it's not much.

Yamato: What…?

Dying Man: I certainly can't enjoy it. Please, take it.

Yamato: I'm not sure you know who I am.

Dying Man: *chuckle* JP's right? I-I know. It doesn't matter anymore. No point in fighting… or hating. Those who survive… should survive… and that's okay. I-I'm useless at work… so there's… no way I can survive this. It's my fault.

Yamato: ……

Dying Man: I wish I could see my daughter… I'd come in the door… and we'd…

The man takes his last breath…

Yamato: …Useless, huh?

Yamato looks down at the candy in his hand…

Yamato: Hibiki, do I… have the right to accept this?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: You think so… I am not too sure. I have never shared feelings or… anything with civilians.

Yamato: I thought so. Why should I share anything with civilians at this point…

Yamato: ……

Yamato silently walks away…

Osaka H.Q.

You find your friends looking for something at the JP's headquarters…

Daichi: This shelf's no good. I didn't find anything like what we're looking for.

Yamato: Hm, I thought not. Then try the library next to it, and make it quick.

Daichi: Look, buddy, there's an assload of stuff in here… Are you serious?

Yamato: Don't make me repeat myself… Is there a problem?

Daichi: Um… No. Except that I'm gonna get a fever from all this reading…

Jungo: Hang in there, Daichi. We'll find it soon.

Daichi: Hope so… Maybe the next binder'll be the one…

Yamato: Hurry it up, Shijima. We haven't time to waste! Ah, you've come. We're searching for materials applicable to the Benetnasch quandary. Is there something you needed me for?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Trumpeter? Where did you hear that name?

Yamato: Hm… Jam it, you say?

Yamato: I see… Kanno told you, did she? That Trumpeter is capable of jamming Benetnasch and sealing its attack?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hm… That could work. We'll need to release the seal on Trumpeter, then.

Yamato: Of course. We'll need to release the seal on Trumpeter, I suppose.

Yamato logs in to a nearby terminal…

Yamato: Here it is. Trumpeter's kept in Tokyo, at Hibiya Park. The release codes are yours. You're in command.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I will follow your instructions, of course. Does that surprise you? You're a skilled leader.

Yamato: You defeated me in fair combat. I bow to your wishes.

Daichi: Yes! If all goes as planned, we should have a chance against Benetnasch, right?

Yamato: Don't be so sure yet. If we use Trumpeter, there is one caveat to be aware of.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Haha… How apt. I want to believe in you, but you should still know this.

Yamato: Trumpeter's melody will not only affect Benetnasch. Our research shows that the sound waves have enough range to affect the entire area. In other words… Trumpeter's jamming will still prevent us from summoning any demons.

Jungo: That's not good…

Daichi: S-Seriously…? Even if we summon our demons before the jamming starts, what do we do after that? Dammit, there's not much time… Is this our only option?

Yamato: This bears consideration. Trumpeter is something of a double-edged sword for us… I'll leave the decision in your hands. Don't let me down.

You bid farewell to your friends and leave the area…

Meritocratic Ending

Osaka H.Q.

You spend the night at the JP's Osaka headquarters...

Yamato's Voice: It's me. Are you awake, Hibiki?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha... Is this an attempt at a joke? You seem rather calm.

Yamato: Sorry to be ahead of schedule. Can we discuss something for a moment?

Yamato: How fearless of you...! Though it would be dull if you were any other way.

Fumi: Ah, you're up. Everyone's here.

Keita: Dude, what's with the ugly mug?

Hibiki Kuze:

Keita: Psh, I know that. It was a joke. C'mon, laugh.

Keita: Haha! Not bad. Guess your face is the only part of you still asleep.

Makoto: Good morning, Kuze! Glad to have you along with us today.

Yamato: Let's get to business. I thought we should review our overall agenda.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: The backbone of a strong organization is a keen understanding of its goals.

Fumi: Ha! Same here. Seems like we're already running an efficientunified organization.

Yamato: A few notes first... We at JP's, meaning those at this branch who can be trusted now. We have terminated all facilities and personnel extraneous to the task at hand.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Streamlined, if you will. Any necessary personnel or material can be supplemented from elsewhere.

Yamato: Not if they obey, but... with their current disposition, I doubt that will be the case.

Yamato: I've been told that Ronaldo Kuriki took over the vacant Nagoya branch. Meanwhile, your friend Shijima seems to have gathered his allies at the Tokyo branch...

Fumi: I don't understand. They were going on about how it's wrong to fight one's friends. It's not as if we were ever friends, truly. Ha! They make no sense to me.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: Yes, they are. Particularly that Daichi. Though he was somewhat amusing.

Fumi: Ah, a scolding? You can be surprisingly softhearted at times.

Yamato: At ease, Hibiki. I am not a heartless man. If there are those that you wish to add to our number, you are free to try and convince them. However, that can only happen after they are utterly defeated and have learned their place. Tokyo will be first. Their "desire" is vague, and I worry Nagoya will subsume them. We will strike hard and fast to break them up and then attempt to recruit them individually.

Fumi: Don't forget about the Septentriones. One of them is bound to show up today too.

Yamato: Yes. When all the Septentriones are defeated, the path to Polaris will be opened. Though the other factions are little more than a mob, they cannot be allowed to challenge the Septentrione. We must be the ones to defeat it.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: Oh, and there's the Void to consider too. It got Chiba this morning... It's moving pretty fast.

Keita: Who gives a damn!? It doesn't change our plan, so let's get going.

Fumi: Either way, we have to do this. There's not a lot of room for debate. We'll deal with the Tokyo and Nagoya factions and keep an eye out for the Septentrione. Let's get started, then.

You say your farewells to each other before leaving...

Dome Stadium

You arrive at Suidobashi with Yamato and the others...

Fumi: I'm surprised we haven't run into the Tokyo faction yet. What're they up to?

Makoto: Indeed. This may be part of their plans. We must stay alert.

Keita: They're probably just hiding. Bunch of cowards... We'll have to hunt them down.

Yamato: Don't be hasty. Their range of activity is rather limited. If we can't make contact, we'll simply invade the Tokyo branch and lure them out.

Fumi: Looks like we won't be doing that. Too bad. You see there?

Hinako: So it was true. You're with the Osaka faction, huh? What're you doing here?

Jungo: You're an enemy, too? I don't want to fight with my friends.

Keita: Tch... What else would we be doing here?

Yamato: You oppose us, and so we will strike you down.

Hinako: *gasp* Y-You're okay with this? Do you really agree with Yamato's system!?

Hibiki Kuze:

Jungo: Think about it again. It's much better for friends to get along.

Fumi: This is just stupid. With so many people, we're bound to disagree on something.

Makoto: I'm sorry, but we must do this!

Hinako: Wh-Why!? Fighting and forcing people to follow your beliefs... It makes no sense!

Yamato: Further discussion at this point in time is foolish and serves no purpose. This world is wasted. Our leaders were corrupt, and controlled this nation with money and greed. Natural selection is the only way to preserve our race. That is how it is for all life! The moment man began to have pity for those who deserve death, our future darkened. We will purge this world's mistakes and remake it into its rightful form!

Hinako: That's enough... We've got a dream that we can't give up on too. I really don't want to fight you guys, but no matter who wins, no hard feelings!

Makoto: Very well. You will be a worthy opponent...!

Fumi: Are you finally up to doing this? Come on, then, let's get started.

Keita: Yeah...! Let's do this!

Battle, first turn:
Shiva appears on the field.

Shiva: Ah, what a glorious battle! I lent you my aid before. Allow me to join you again.

Hinako: Whoa... Shiva!? O-Of course you can join us! I hope you guys are ready for this!

Makoto: I never considered that Shiva would support a human of his own will...

Yamato's first turn:
Yamato: No need to hold back. Show no mercy to those who stand in our way!

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Hinako:
Yamato: No true victory can be claimed without clashing against others. You will regret not following me.

Hinako: There's nothing to be done! I'll bring you back to your senses! I swear it!

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Jungo:
Yamato: No true victory can be claimed without clashing against others. You will regret not following me.

Jungo: We're not confused, we have a good plan...! Please join our team...!

Fumi: They were quite tenacious. I certainly didn't expect Shiva popping up like that.

Makoto: I underestimated them... It's unsettling to fight such familiar faces.

Yamato: Do you have a problem, Sako? They were successfully eliminated. Nothing else matters.

Fumi: Ha! I suppose so. They worked pretty well together, though. Like an actual team.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: They had the power to back their ambitions. I was suitably impressed.

Fumi: Hahaha! Precisely, they were very strong. It's almost sad to defeat them.

Yamato: Yes, but Shijima was the Tokyo faction's leader, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Fumi: Perhaps because if the head is removed, the body dies soon after? Daichi may actually be using his brains for this fight.

Hibiki Kuze:

Keita: Tch... he probably just bitched out. I bet he'll come out waving the white flag.

Fumi: I don't care either way. This is a perfect opportunity.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: Er, no. I meant it's a good chance to strengthen our forces.

Fumi: Mmhm. Now's our chance to strengthen our forces.

Fumi: Use your brain, please. Now's the time to strengthen our forces.

Yamato: Hm. It was decided yesterday that those who lost in battle must recant their loyalties. In other words, those we just defeated are now factionless. You may recruit them at will.

Makoto: I suspect the battles will only become fiercer. Better to gain more allies when we can.

Fumi: That's right. I doubt they'd react well to most of us trying to persuade them, though. So I say we leave this job to him, since once he was a mere JP's adjunct like them.

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: We're counting on you. If anyone has a chance to persuade them, it's you.

Keita: If you don't need 'em, we won't drag them into it. We can handle this ourselves.

You leave, still talking with everyone...

SL Plaza

You arrive at Shinbashi with Yamato and the others...

Yamato: Kanno, is your report correct? Shijima and Nitta are around here?

Fumi: Er, I believe so. More like "I hope so." Hehehe...

Makoto: There's nobody around here though. We may have gotten a false lead. Or is this part of some larger strategy...?

Fumi: That's strange. Hm, maybe we scared the Tokyo guys into hiding.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: There's no need to hurry. We can take our time and... Oh, found 'em. That was quick.

Hibiki Kuze:

Keita: I see 'em too. Over there.

Daichi: Um... Are you sure about this, Io? Are they really gonna come out here?

Io: Don't worry. They'll be here soon... See? There he is!

Daichi: Whoa...! And the whole Osaka faction is with him! W-We're not going to lose!

Makoto: Shijima, Nitta! Come with us, there's still time!

Fumi: Knock it off, Mako. We do the negotiating thing after the fight. You know that's how this works.

Yamato: Wait... Pay close attention to Nitta; something's strange about her.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: There's no knowing for sure, but she's certainly different. Stay cautious.

Keita: Does it matter? Either way, we've got to do this, right? I'm gonna crush 'em...!

Battle starts, Yamato's first turn:
Yamato: Agents, you have your orders. Do not let your guard down, even if they are only civilians...

Mid-battle, first enemy unit is attacked:
Io draws on the power of Lugh.

Yamato: So this is your strategy, interesting. Let us begin.

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Daichi:
Yamato: Fools...! There is no future for those who hesitate and fear sacrifice!

Daichi: We're going to win! Then you'll have to listen to reason! That's a promise!

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Io:
Yamato: Fools...! There is no future for those who hesitate and fear sacrifice!

Io: Come forth! Try to break my spear if you can!

Makoto: Good... The Tokyo faction has been defeated. Well done, Kuze.

Fumi: Whew...! That was a tough fight.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: Really? Impressive. I can see now why the Chief is so taken with you.

Fumi: Yeah, I didn't think Daichi and the others would put up that much resistance.

Fumi: Really? Mm. How sentimental of you. Well, no matter.

Yamato: One fewer faction opposes us now. Only Nagoya remains...

Makoto: Nagoya... That means we'll be up against Ronaldo and his allies. It won't be an easy fight.

Fumi: Mmhm. And don't forget that elephant in the room: being destroyed by the Septentrione...

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: Hahaha...! Too bad, we've got no choice. Hang in there.

Fumi: Huh... you are pretty tough. Though we don't have a choice, so might as well hang in there.

Keita: So basically, we destroy anyone who gets in our way. Easy enough.

Yamato: I leave it to you to determine what to do with those who escaped. If you wish to recruit them to our side, you have my blessing. Dismissed.

You part ways with everyone and leave the area...

Osaka H.Q.

Yamato sees you and approaches with a smile...

Yamato: Hahaha! Good of you to come to me. I knew your wisdom would lead you here.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That's because you're special. The dregs wouldn't understand.

Yamato: Oh? You chose me at random, then? That intuition is also a powerful factor.

Yamato: Do you know why I decided to forge a society based on strength? Since ancient times the Hotsuin family has gladly given their lives to protect Japan. We always served in secret, and not one death is regretted. This nation was worth it all. That was long ago. Do you feel modern Japan is worth such loyalty?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: No! Society has brainwashed you, indoctrinated you to believe it is worth preserving.

Yamato: Precisely! This society is not worth the sacrifice it asks of us. Government serves only itself, and the common man wallows in his own idiocy.

Yamato: This nation has fallen far from its once shining glory, so we must lift it up again. The Hotsuin family shall step forth from Japan's shadow. We will protect those worth our protection. The remainder is a cancer to progress. That is why I seek to create a meritocracy. You understand, don't you?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I have been waiting for someone like you.

Yamato: Hahaha! You're quite the thespian.

Yamato: I admit, in my initial plan, you were unworthy. All civilians, really. But people like you, with unknown potential, wasted in society... I can acknowledge your worth. In less than a week you have completely altered my plans. You truly are remarkable. From now on you will stand at my right hand... No. That's not right. I consider you my equal. Someone I may truly call... my friend. I must thank you. You have enlightened me.

Yamato gazes at you before walking away...

Osaka H.Q.

Makoto, Fumi, and Keita are speaking amongst themselves...

Keita: The hell does he want? Calling us all here.

Fumi: Hmph... Who knows? I haven't heard a thing. Do you know what this is about, Mako?

Makoto: No more than you. The Chief said he wanted to speak to us.

After a few moments, Yamato enters...

Yamato: Ah, good. You're here as well, Hibiki. I was about to call you too. The rest of you have arrived. Very well...

Yamato looks at aech of you in turn...

Yamato: I summoned you because I wanted you to be informed of the situation in our camp. The Dragon Stream's energy is exhausted. Agents, contacts, and supplies have dwindled. We are in extremis.

Keita: So, we're in deep crap.

Fumi: I'm not surprised. We've been overwhelmed since the beginning.

Makoto: True. With riots, demons, and our internal quarrels, too much is out of our control.

Yamato: What is your opinion of our situation, Hibiki?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Exactly. Our ideals shall soon come to life.

Yamato: You believe so? I see it differently. Soon our ideals shall come to life.

Yamato: You seem confident; that's inspiring. I too am confident. Soon our ideals shall come to life.

Yamato: After all, hahaha... we have a strength all our own.

Yamato: Surely you see it. Most of that strength resides in you.

Yamato: *chuckle* You just don't realize. After all, you are the instrument of that strength.

Yamato: Our strength is willpower. Our strong will is the keenest blade. Ha! You think it absurd? That I am grasping at straws? All our past victories have been due to the will of those gathered here. The will to make our ideals take shape! A power easily equal to the demons. As long as we hold that power... our ideals shall be realized, come what may! I am confident in the strength of your will. That is all I need say.

Yamato: Hahaha! Marvelous! Truly a man of talent.

Yamato: Your existence is the catalyst that binds our wills and orges them into a saber to rend our enemies.

Yamato: I've had a meal prepared for this occasion. Think of it as a victory feast! We don't have much food left. Such concerns shall not arise in our new world. Now, enjoy. Hahaha!

As Yamato turns to leave, JP's agents stream in with trays of sizzling food...

Fumi: Hm... Does that mean this craziness will be over soon? I'm surprised he put this together. Very uncharacteristic.

Makoto: Well, the Chief has changed, ever since he met Kuze...

Keita: Tch, why didn't he bring this out sooner? I'm starved.

An agent places a heaping plate of takoyaki on the table...

Makoto: ......

Keita: ......

Fumi: ......

A silence falls over those assembled...

Keita: What the heck? This takoyaki's loaded with the finest gourmet crap! This ain't no Osaka style for sure!

Makoto: J-Just eat it! We can't let the Chief's kindness go to waste.

Fumi: Whatever, I just need some mayo to dip it in!

With each bite of the delicious takoyaki, your resolve grows stronger...

Miyashita Park

You find your allies talking about something...

Makoto: Does that mean the enemy came from this position...?

Yamato: It came from these coordinates, we could easily attack now... Oh, perfect timing.

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: A Septentrione showed up. It's just up ahead.

Fumi: ...How nice that you have time to kill. A Septentrione has shown up just ahead, but whatever.

Makoto: Chief Hotsuin, how should we proceed? This is much earlier than we had anticipated.

Yamato: If the Nagoya faction were to defeat the Septentrione, it would jeopardize our goals. We must seize this chance.

Hibiki Kuze:

Keita: Don't be stupid! This is our big chance, and we aren't gonna let anybody else take it.

Keita: Okay, then! It'd suck to come all this way and have somebody else kill it first.

Hinako: You're right. It's a stroke of luck that we found it before the Nagoya faction did.

Keita: That's right. I'm gonna go on ahead. Betcha I can crush this thing myself!

Fumi: Hey, no fair! I want to see the Septentrione too! Wait up!

The two run off...

Yamato: Ha...! Let's make haste. The long, arduous journey to Polaris shall end here.

Hinako: We've finally caught up... Wait, is that it!?

Benetnasch descends onto the map.

Fumi: There it is. That's the Septentrione.

Keita: "Benetnasch," huh? Looks like a wimp. Compared to Alioth and Mizar, this thing doesn't look worth a beating.

Yamato: So it would seem, but don't relax your guard. We shouldn't treat this one lightly.

Jungo: ...You're right. It is a Septentrione.

Yamato: Very well. Let's deal with it before the Nagoya faction intervenes!

Fumi: Let's finish this quickly.

Makoto: Let's go, everyone! If we don't win this fight, we'll never reach Polaris!

Keita: I'll crush it!

Hinako: Leave it to me! I'll deal with it in no time!

Jungo: ...I'll defeat it!

Mid-battle, Benetnasch engages any unit on the field:
Benetnasch uses Revoke Demons and forces a retreat.

Mid-battle, Yamato reaches an escape square:
Yamato: *sigh* It's troubling that it's come to this. Everyone, fall back!

Mid-battle, Yamato is the last character to reach an escape square:
Yamato: Evacuation complete. I believe I am the last.

Io: *pant pant* We got away... Is everyone okay?

Makoto: Everyone seems safe, but that attack was utterly crippling...

Fumi: That thing's gonna cause some real problems. What should we do about it?

Yamato: "Benetnasch,"... It sent our demons away and prevented any further summoning. Furthermore... did you notice that skill it had? "Pacify Human"...

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Cripples us, most likely.

Yamato: I suspect so...

Yamato: By nullifying our attacks and preventing the use of demons, it blocks all weapons we have. Such is the power of Benetnasch...

Keita: Tch... We're at a serious disadvantage here. We gotta do something about this.

Yamato: Indeed, a subtler strategy is called for. Let's search for a countermeasure.

Hibiki Kuze:

Jungo: Ronaldo and his rioters are around too. We should be careful.

Fumi: Our attacks won't work, our demons can't stay out, and we can't summon new demons? It must have strong ties to the demon summoning process...

You all leave the area, thinking about the latest quandary...

Overworld map:
Yamato: Hm... This was unexpected. It seems we'll need to change our plans.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: I had thought to strike down Benetnasch with energy to spare, then face the Nagoya faction. Judging by that battle, it will take all our strength just to defeat the Septentrione. After a fight like that, we'd be in danger should Nagoya choose that moment to strike.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: That would be the most sound strategy. First we eliminate the Nagoya faction, then we strike at Benetnasch at our leisure. The battle is almost upon us... Make sure you are prepared.

Science Museum

You find Yamato and the others walking briskly...

Yamato: Ah... You came at just the right moment.

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: The Nagoya faction contacted us.

Fumi: That's right. Airi is ranting about a "battle to end all battles".

Hibiki Kuze:

Keita: Yeah. What a joke, huh? Who'd have thought the squirt had guts like that?

Fumi: She seems rather excited at the prospect for some reason. And speak of the devil... There she goes now.

You follow Fumi's gaze to see someone who looks like Airi running off...

Hibiki Kuze:

Makoto: Wait... This all seems too contrived. We shouldn't rush into this.

Makoto: That is one possibility. Chief Hotsuin, what do you advise?

Yamato: Hahaha! It matters little. A king can spare the time to play along with such common games. Let us follow.

Fumi: Whoa, you... Heh, looks like we fell into a trap after all.

Airi: Over here! You fell right for it, stupid!

Yamato: And to think I wondered what they were scheming... Hahaha! What nonsense.

Otome: Chief Hotsuin, Hibiki... we cannot agree to the system you are trying to uphold. That's why we will defeat you here!

Makoto: Was this trap the extent of your plan?

Airi: I really didn't want to, but... you guys are too strong. What else would we do?

Keita: I don't care either way. No matter how many come, we'll crush 'em all! It's that simple.

Otome: Let's have a fair fight so none of us have any regrets, okay?

Yamato: Hmph... Truly infantile. You call that a plan? It makes me wonder who's truly in command.

Otome: That's just it! We weren't ordered to do this. We have our own ideas, too. If the world can be changed, then we have our own dreams we want to come true.

Fumi: I think I've got a pretty good handle on your so-called "ideals".

Hibiki Kuze:

Airi: That's right! Ronaldo's faith in equality for all humanity is the only way to save the world!

Yamato: Hahaha! I thought as much. You're just the same as me, save the content of our ideals. Fools! You turn your eyes aside from what you truly are and try to lecture me?

Airi: We're completely different! Your system preys on the weak so the strong prosper! If everything becomes equal, everyone will be working for the benefit of the whole society! There will be no more selfishness! If everyone is working to help everyone else, it can only lead to happiness!

Yamato: Hahaha! Peace, peace, peace... Only a fool prattles endlessly about the one thing they know. There is no peace in equality. Man was born without any equality to begin with.

Otome: That only means we should support each other because inequality exists!

Fumi: What benefit is there in helping the weak? It's a waste of the talents of the strong.

Airi: Why can't you understand!? It's natural for the strong to help out the weak!

Makoto: Listen, Ban... There are far too many of the weak. They only drag the strong down.

Airi: B-But...!

Yamato: This is a waste of time. This livestock's bleating must be stopped. Handle it.

Battle starts, Yamato's first turn:
Yamato: Very well, why don't you show me the strength of your pathetic ideals!

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Otome:
Yamato: Your "equality" is nothing but a whitewash for living off the strengths of others!

Otome: We'll talk afterwards. I'm sure you'll come to understand our ideals!

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Airi:
Yamato: Your "equality" is nothing but a whitewash for living off the strengths of others!

Airi: Fine! I'll defeat you, and then you'll cooperate with us! I know you will!

Makoto: Ban... Otome... was this the only way?

Yamato: It seems they've been routed. Nicely done.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! I expected nothing less from you.

Yamato: Did it pain you to fight your former allies? You did well, though...

Keita: Pfft... That was nothing. The real prize wasn't even here.

Fumi: I didn't see Ronaldo here. Where could he be?

Hibiki Kuze:

Fumi: Yeah, I doubt that. He wouldn't be so foolish, not even in his own territory.

Fumi: Heh! I like how you think. I've no idea.

Makoto: The others are hunting for him now, but it doesn't seem Ronaldo's here.

Yamato: Mmm... where could that rat be hiding?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: No... We've already given the Tokyo faction a thrashing. They have nothing to gain there.

Yamato: Yes... They're most likely lurking in Osaka, waiting for their chance to strike.

Makoto: So they're hiding behind enemy lines, waiting to ambush us?

Yamato: Hahaha, it's fine. Let them struggle to their heart's content. We will show them they're not in the same league as us!

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving...

Ebisu Bridge

A familiar voice suddenly calls out to you from behind...

Fumi: Hello, you're finally here... Are you ready for battle?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: To fight Kuriki, of course. My men have located him; he is in hiding here.

Fumi: Oh, and that other one, too... Jones, was it? They seem surprisingly inseparable.

Makoto: Ronaldo... so the time to fight him has come!

Keita: They're almost wiped out. Once we mop up here, we'll be set to go for Polaris.

Yamato: Let's go forth and strike down that man's brazen impertinence!

Fumi: Well, then... I wonder where Ronaldo is.

Keita: There he is... Ronaldo!

Ronaldo: What the!? Hotsuin and JP's! ...and you, Hibiki!

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: So, the time has come. I didn't want to have to fight you, Hibiki!

Ronaldo: "Finish this," huh...? I didn't want to have to fight you, Hibiki!

Joe: Hey, Hibiki, you're with the Osaka faction? Together again after all this time!

Keita: Oooh! I've been itching to beat the jokes outta your stupid face.

Ronaldo: It's time for the final battle between us. Right is on our side!

Makoto: Ronaldo Kuriki, Yuzuru Akie! Isn't there any way we can come to an understanding?

Ronaldo: No, Sako. I will never accept a world where the strong crush the weak underfoot!

Joe: Y'know, I think Yammy's got some good points... Still, what's the point of society if it exists only by oppressing the weak? I'm sorry, but that I just can't get behind.

Makoto: *sigh* I understand... Then let's finish this!

Yamato: Are you done, Sako? I can't bear to listen to such pointless negotiation.

Ronaldo: You are evil incarnate! How dare you lecture me! I-- No, my justice cannot allow you to be forgiven! You killed my senpai!

Yamato: Miserable vermin. You want to kill me, right? You can try!

Battle starts, Yamato's first turn:
Yamato: Hahaha! You continue to defy me so fiercely. It was delightful, but it ends now. Begone!

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Joe:
Yamato: Equality, justice, peace... These are just the empty bleatings of the weak. What good is a world filled with that!

Joe: Hahaha! I guess there's no use in talking now. We'll hash it out once this fight's over.

Mid-battle, if Yamato engages Ronaldo:
Yamato: That's enough from you. I don't have time to waste quelling your attempt at rebellion.

Ronaldo: Ha! Say what you will, you won't be able to ignore me for long!

Ronaldo: Ngh... This can't be. Justice can't lose!

Yamato: Justice? Don't make me laugh! You're nothing but the failure of a broken society. Your righteousness is a delusion.

Ronaldo: Enough, tyrant! You're what was wrong with the old world!

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: What!? Hibiki!?

Yamato: Hahaha! Bold of you to say so! Still, you are right, Hibiki. Kuriki, I admit that I, too, am the broken remains of the old world. All of us are. You have lost. You must become stronger. Join me, and I will create a world where, if you are worthy, one day you may defeat even me.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! It truly is. Kuriki, you have survived this long as JP's' enemy. You are strong.

Yamato: Does that surprise you? He has lived this long as JP's' enemy... He is quite strong.

Yamato: I do not desire to rule the world; I only desire that the strongest does. Who that may be is of no consequence.

Ronaldo: Rgh! So this is Hotsuin's strength...!

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Ha! It seems I've been fairly beaten. I accept defeat.

Makoto: That's right, Ronaldo, this fight's over. Come with us!

Ronaldo: Hahaha! I thank you for the offer. But you see, I am a very stubborn man. There is no way I could surrender my ideals for you!

He pulls out his cell phone and aims it at Yamato.

Yamato: Tch... Fool!

Ronaldo attacks Yamato, who dodges and retaliates, sending him flying off the bridge to his death.

Makoto: No...! Why!?

Yamato: So you've chosen death... Very well. That is but another path for you to take.

Ronaldo floats to the surface of the river.

Ronaldo: Hahaha...! I'll become a star and watch over the world you create, Hotsuin... Farewell... And thank you, my friends!

Makoto: Ronaldo...

Keita: Makes me sick. At least his death was fitting.

Fumi: His inability to change really hurts us... He'd have been a powerful ally.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: ...That's right. That was simply the path he chose to take. All opposition to us has been suppressed. Next, we must deal with Benetnasch.

Egalitarian Ending

From: Yamato
Subject: Declaration

Your decision surprises me. I did not truly think you would oppose me. Perhaps you have simply let your emotions get the better of you?

Then again, I suppose it is a good opportunity for you to witness my power. You will see how right I am in leading this world to a meritocracy.


Someone suddenly calls to you from behind…

Yamato: Well, well, Hibiki. What are you doing here?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Do you take me for a monster? It's rather rude, reacting to my presence in that manner.

Yamato: The last time we spoke was when I invited you to stand at my side.

Yamato: Hahaha…! Ever the joker. Don't be so hasty…

Yamato: I heard you put down the Tokyo faction… Very well done, Hibiki. Shijima hadn't a chance… Anyone who challenges you is a fool. Save myself.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha…! Forgive me. Could it have been my personality that drove you away?

Yamato: Hahaha! What a sharp tongue you've developed. Then again, you're more capable than he.

Yamato: I'll ask you once more, Hibiki: Won't you come with me and help me realize my meritorious world?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: How unfortunate. Then let us put an end to this… I will be waiting at the Tsuutenkaku.

Yamato leaves.

Ronaldo: Hibiki, hey wait!

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Are you all right!? Was that Hotsuin you were talking to?

Ronaldo: H-Hey… I mean, no! I could swear that was Hotsuin!

Ronaldo: What were you doing? He could have killed you! Are you okay? What did he say!?

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: He sounds pretty confident about all this. Although, this may be a great opportunity.

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: Well, given that it's Hotsuin, the biggest danger would be an ambush or sneak attack.

Ronaldo: You see what I mean? At least this is better than an ambush or sneak attack from Hotsuin.

Ronaldo: …Let's take the bait. The time has finally come to settle things with that snake!

Yamato: There you are, Hibiki… I was staring to wonder if you'd fled.

Ronaldo: Yamato Hotsuin! It's time for our justice to strike. We shall crush your evil ambitions!

Yamato: You fool. You can't even see how you're smothering him. You're his cancer. That ends here. I'll see you nothing more than lifeless ash. I will bring him back to his senses.

Hibiki Kuze:

Airi: That's untrue! He's here of his own free will! All this stuff about bringing him back to his senses is just crazy! He's made his choice!

Yamato: Silence, girl! You ignorant masses are all the same. You cling to people of worth and drag them down to your level, wasting their talents!

Joe: I don't know about all that. How can you really judge a person's worth? Unless it's how they're useful to others, right?

Yamato: Hahaha! So that's your belief? Your equality? This discussion is worthless!

Otome: Chief… So you're not going to listen…

Ronaldo: You're the fool here, Yamato Hotsuin! Evil will always be defeated, and your evil ends here!

Yamato: I'll not waste more words on you… Die!

Mid-battle, first turn:
Yamato: Mwahaha…hahaha…hhahaha…! Hibiki, why do you think I chose this place for our battleground!? The Tsuutenkaku was built to harness the power of the Dragon Stream as a barrier! Hence, all the power to activate the Dragon Stream is already inside! If those same functions are used on a human, it will strengthen their inner power tremendously!

After killing enough demons:
Yamato: I'm not finished yet! I still have some power remaining… Let's see if you can keep up!

Yamato will now act more frequently in battle…

Engaging Yamato with Hibiki:
Yamato: It's unfortunate, Hibiki… If you'd allied yourself with me, I could have easily reached my goals… But that doesn't matter anymore… I will have my new world. I shall stand as the lone victor!

Upon defeat:
Yamato: Ngh…! No, it is impossible! I cannot have been defeated!

Yamato: Ha… Hahaha! So you've defeated me, you monsters…

Ronaldo: You're the monster here, Yamato Hotsuin. Why do you work so hard to eliminate the weak!?

Yamato: Why? Why!? Because it's natural! You dregs have defiled the purity of the planet! It is the weak that ruined our world!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: What…!?

Joe: Yep, the kid's right.

Ronaldo: Hotsuin, everyone is weak in some respect. You're no exception. Unless you change, you'll never win against the ones you revile for being weak! Now… it's time you realized the value of fellowship and justice!

Hibiki Kuze:

Ronaldo: I said that equality must be given to all. You're no exception, Hotsuin.

Ronaldo: Hahaha! Are you surprised? Equality must be given to all, and Hotsuin is no exception.

Ronaldo: How about it? Lend me your strength, and we can create a peaceful world together!

Yamato: Hahaha! I praise your nerve, Ronaldo Kuriki. You… are worth acknowledging.

Hibiki Kuze:

Otome: Yes, that would be wonderful! Chief Hotsuin, you should come with us…!

Yamato: However… I have no plans to live in a world where my ambitions have collapsed…!

The ground starts shaking.

Otome: *gasp* What's this!? Another earthquake?

Yamato: Ngh!? I used too much of the Dragon Stream's power…!

The top of the Tsuutenkaku breaks off.

Yamato: No! Flee, you fools!

He takes his cell phone out and uses his magic to blow them away from the tower before it falls.

Airi: Y-Yamato…!?

The group finds Yamato crushed beneath the broken pieces of the tower.

Ronaldo: No… No, wake up! You have to wake up!

Yamato: This… is how it should be. I took a gamble on the fate of the world… and now I must pay… Farewell… My adversaries… I look forward to seeing the world you create!

Airi: I-It's not fair… He still wouldn't admit defeat, even at the very end…

Hibiki Kuze:

Joe: He went down fighting… Probably the way he would've wanted to go.

Otome: He stuck to his ideals to the bitter end…

Ronaldo: That's the type of man he was. I finally understand. There's no time to mourn. Our ideals have won out, and now we must defeat Benetnasch!

You all leave, hardened resolution etched upon your faces…


Kingmaker Ending


You arrive at the terminal with Daichi and the others…

Daichi: We're here… I-Is this really the place?

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: R-Right. I can't think of anywhere else. Man, it's like I've got a fleet of butterflies in my stomach!

Daichi: C-C'mon, don't say stuff like that! There's no other place we could think of…

Al Saiduq: We should have no problem here. Shining One, you brought the dragon, yes? Perfect. Now use the Dragon Stream to strengthen this terminal.

Hibiki Kuze:

Al Saiduq: I… don't know either.

Al Saiduq: Hm… I had not anticipated this possibility.

Io: Oh… that's a good question. How exactly are we supposed to enhance the terminal?

Al Saiduq: Hm… At the Metropolitan Building, it became small because the Shining One wished it so. Why not focus your will in the same manner now?

Daichi: What? That's just ridiculous.

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: You're going ahead with this? Well… I guess it can't hurt to try.

Al Saiduq: Now, Shining One… test the power of the Dragon Stream.

Hibiki Kuze:

Al Saiduq: I believe it is already small enough… Must I re-adjust my perspective? Oh, I see, this is a joke, yes? Haha! How interesting.

Daichi: Huh…? Whooooaaa!

Io: Oh my… The entire room's changed!

Al Saiduq: Amazing. What powers of potential.

Jungo: Is someone there?

Yamato: …Well done. I knew you'd accomplish this.

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Yes, I had high expectations for you. Unfortunately, you chose to side with that man.

Yamato: I had high expectations of you. I did not expect you to side with him.

Yamato: The time for talk has passed. You must all die here, and I shall take control!

Daichi: Th-This is insane! Do you think we're just gonna let you do that!?

Hinako: Right! We worked so hard for this! You think we'll just hand it over!?

Al Saiduq: Yamato Hotsuin. It is a pity we must do battle, but I will keep my vow to the Shining One.

Hibiki Kuze:

Daichi: A-Argh! We'll show you what the trash civilians ca d--Argh! I bit my tongue! D-Dammit, ow… Okay, l--letsh go, guysh!

Mid-battle, first turn:
Yamato: Pathetic… Did you think I would come here without making plans in advance?

Al Saiduq: What…!? What is the meaning of this, Yamato Hotsuin?

Yamato: Hahaha! You'll come to understand when you die!

Hinako: Yamato tricked us! You okay, Hibiki? It looks like the attack hits inside the light! Head to the sides of the room!

Mid-battle, defeating the first enemy blocking the exits:
Yamato: Hmph! There's no point in maintaining the attack under these circumstances.

Mid-battle, Yamato attacking Hibiki:
Yamato: It's still not too late. Join me…!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Very well, Hibiki. Then perish!

Yamato: Hahaha! You know I cannot. This dream is my utmost desire!

Defeating Yamato:
Yamato: Ha… What power… To think that I would be defeated…

Yamato: Hahaha! You monster… You give me information, and now you wish to defeat me. You aren't human… What are you? Why're you aiding Hibiki!?

Al Saiduq: Yamato Hotsuin, no one can truly say what they are in this world. I… am following my heart. Just as you are.

Yamato: Preposterous! You're nothing like me. You're not even human! Benetnash is dead, and Polaris has not appeared. It's obvious what you are now! Hear me Hibiki! I'll tell you what that "man" really is!

Al Saiduq: …Don't, Yamato Hotsuin.

Yamato: Mark me! That creature's name is Alcor! He is the last of the Septentriones! He is nothing more than a monster sent by Polaris! He wants to bring the world to ruin! You are being deceived! If you believe in him, you doom all humanity to annihilation!

Daichi: What!? Th-This guy's a Septentrione? Seriously?

Io: Huh? Saiduq's… I-Is this true!?

Al Saiduq: ……

Hibiki Kuze:

Al Saiduq: I am a Septentrione… One of those that has subjugated mankind. Yet, I have abandoned my task to grant you new potential. As a result, the world is slowly disappearing. It is an unchangeable truth. If you say that you wish to slay me… I leave the decision to you.

Al Saiduq: …!?

Al Saiduq: I won't deny it… It is the truth.

Hibiki Kuze:

Al Saiduq: …!?

Yamato: …What!?

Hibiki Kuze:

Al Saiduq: I'm surprised… Though I might be your enemy, you still approve of me? You still grant me your trust?

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Hahaha! Blind fools!

Daichi: What's going on!? I… I can't move!

Al Saiduq: You… You still had such power left…

Yamato: I won't let this continue! I'll never accept something like you!

Al Saiduq: Don't do this… Stop!

Al Saiduq attacks him.

Yamato: Gyah!

Al Saiduq: Yamato Hotsuin…

Jungo: Yamato? Yamato?

Daichi: Wh-What're you doing, Yamato!? Why would you go so far!?

Yamato: Fools… You could never understand what I'd risk to realize my ideals… You were striving to get me to compromise, but that would never work. I feared this day would come, ever since you came to JP's. That's when it all began to come apart… Ngh… It is… It is unfortunate that my ambitions will never come… to fruition!

Hibiki Kuze:

Yamato: Ha! So naive… Hibiki. You've chosen a path: to create a new world with that monster. …Don't hesitate. Follow the path you desire without looking back on what's been sacrificed. But… Perhaps I could… accept your invitation… in the next life…

Yamato jumps to his death.

Makoto: N-No…! Why…!? Chief Hotsuin, you didn't have to…

Io: No… Yamato…! He was always kinda scary, but… to die like that…

Hinako: What an idiot! Why did he have to rush to his own death?

Jungo: Yamato… I wanted to get to know you better…

Daichi: That bastard! He has to go and die on his own…! After all you've said, it was still you who helped us survive this long, Yamato! How can you just leave us like this…? You moron!

Al Saiduq: ……

Hibiki Kuze:

Al Saiduq: You did choose to follow my path… Are you alright with what happened here?

Hibiki Kuze:

Al Saiduq: I see… You're right. There's no time for discussion now. Let us go forth to Polaris.