Welcome to my personal site! Just click on the neon signs to navigate around the site. If you want to return to this page, clicking 'ethereally' up above will take you back here. Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy your time in my little corner of the web!


I have quite a few things I want to build for the site, but rather than do any of that, I keep screwing around with CSS animations. I did also retool my shrines page a little for organizationl purposes. I added a gallery of my favorite Pokémon, and the number of gifs was starting to make the page lag, so I made a dedicated page for them instead. On top of that, I added some fun new hover novelties. I love rainbow gradient animations so much, you guys.


I've taken a bit of a break to give my hand time to rest, but I have been tinkering with smaller things off and on. I got a functioning guestbook up, and I added my favorite Pokémon to my shrines page. Eventually I'd like to make a dedicated Pokémon shrine, but this will do nicely for now. I love looking at their little sprites.


I got Ayano's comment widget working on the shrine! Amazing! It's such an incredibly clever workaround. I'm so impressed by it, and I'm thrilled to have it working here. I also got more transcripts up over the past couple of days. I think I'm about halfway throuh the Meritocracy route.


I added a Wall of Blorbos ™ to my Shrines page! I needed a break from copying dialogue transcripts over. Still working on Friday's dialogue. Added two more events today, so I'm optimistic that I can get through the rest this weekend.


I've spent the last five days working on my shrine so much that I actually hurt my hand. Worth it. I'm extremely happy with the way it looks. I optimized it for mobile and I'm working on porting all my dialogue transcripts from Tumblr over to the new shrine. It's taking awhile since the process is pretty tedious, but I'm getting there slowly but surely.


I posted my first shrine! CSS is so wildly cool. I was able to replicate some of the in-game app animations from Devil Survivor 2 for my shrine and I'm really excited about it. I had a lot of fun coding the UI. The content is still pretty lacking, but I've already compiled several dialogue transcripts that I just have to take the time to host here.


When I decided to code my non-home pages with the intention of using them in an iframe, it didn't occur to me that it would affect the automatic previews Neocities puts on the global activity feed. It's kind of a bummer that if anyone does click on them straight from the activity feed, it'll look weird and lack all the navigation that's only built for the home page. I'm not really sure how to approach that quite yet. I can't decide if I want to scrap the iframe idea, or if it's not worth worrying about. I guess if you did happen to stumble upon this site from there, do me a favor and click this link instead.

I know I said I intended to work on the shrines next, but I can't seem to resist screwing around with little things like my about page. I keep making new blinkies for it instead of doing anything more substantial, but they're just so much fun! Like bumper stickers for your website. At any rate, I did start taking steps towards my first shrine. I found a texture pack for Devil Survivor 2 resources in the hopes of using some for my site. Stay tuned!


I uploaded my site yesterday, and even though I told myself I wasn't interested in developing my personal site for mobile, I still got all stressed out about how whack it looked on my phone. Fortunately, a friend of mine found a calculator for more proportional responsive text, and it works like a dream. It's a lot better than the hacky little tweaks I kept making yesterday. CSS is so goddamned cool.


After I finished updating my layout, I got a bee in my bonnet about using iframes, so voila. This site now uses those! They were a lot simpler than I thought they'd be. Who knew! I'm almost done with my refactor, so I'm hoping I can get all my latest work synced up to Neocities today. Going to try webdav for the first time.


Every time I get the urge to work on my personal site, I evidently have no choice but to trash the previous layout and start over. I'm more happy with this one than any other layout I've ever made to date, so in this case I'd say it was worth it. I made all the art assets myself and I'm very pleased with how they turned out! I also included blinkies so that everyone knows I'm a real webmistress now. Once my refactoring is finished, next on my agenda is a Devil Survivor 2 shrine.


I guess my new thing is making random generators. My wife has been working on Drow OCs for our D&D campaign, so I decided to make a random generator to make her life a little easier. Here it is.


I had a bunch of ideas for what I wanted to do with this website, but then I didn't do any of them and instead made a random generator for writing prompts. You can find it here!